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LITY OF ROSEV(LlE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 1992 <br />Note 1- SummarY of Sianificent Actounting Policies <br />The City of Roseville, Minnesota, wes incorporated on May 28, 1948, and became a statutory city on Jenuary 7, <br />7974. The City operates under a Councit-Manager form of goverrvnent, and provides various services as authorized <br />by State stafute, including the follouing: general goverrment, public safety, public uorks, parks and <br />recreation, uater ard seuer utility, and camunity developnent. <br />The aecounting policies of the City of Roseville eonform to Benerally accepted accounting principals appticeble <br />to goverrvnental units. The follouing is a su�mary of the more significant policies. <br />A. Reporting Entity <br />Por finantial reporting purposes the City's financial statertients include ell furds, eccount groups, depertments, <br />egencies, boerds, eommissions, erd other or8anizetions over which City officials exercise oversight <br />responsibitity. <br />Oversight responsibility includes such aspects es appointment of governing body members, budget revieu, approval <br />of property tex levies, outstending debt secured by the City's full faith and credit or revenues end <br />responsibility for funding deficits. <br />Certain organizations have been excluded fran the City's financial stetements es follous: <br />Extluded: <br />Firemen's Relief Association - This essociation is organized as a non-profit or9anization by it�s members to <br />provide pension end other benefits to their respective members in accordance with Minnesota statutes. Their <br />board ot directors are etected by the members. All funding is condutted in actordance with Minnesote statutes, <br />whereby state aids ttow to the association, and tax levies are determined by the association. 7he essocietion <br />pays benefits directty to their mei�ers. The association may certify tex levies to the County directly if the <br />City does not cerry out this function. Because the associetion is able to furW it�s programs independently ofi <br />the City, it is excluded fran the reporting entity. (See Note 9 for disclosures relating to the pension ptan <br />operated by the association.) <br />Independent Schoot Districts No. 627 and 623 - These Oistricts, like all school districts in Minnesota, are <br />completely independent of eny other goverrxnentel entity. They have their own elected Boards of Education, Levy <br />their oun taxes and prepare their oun financiat reports. <br />B. Pund Accounting <br />���. The accounts of the City are organized on the besis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered <br />I, a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for uith a separate set of self- <br />. 6atencing ectounts that canprise its assets, liabilities, tund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, <br />es appropriate. Goverrment resources are ellocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the <br />purposes for uhich they ere to be spent end the means by uhich sperding activities ere controlled. The various <br />� funds are grouped in the financial statements report into seven generic fund types and three broad fund <br />'��.. categories as follous: <br />GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />General fund - The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the City. It is used to atcount for all <br />finantiet resources except those required to be eccounted for in enother fund. <br />Speciet revenue funds - Special revenue funds ere used to account for the proceeds of certein specific revenue <br />sources that ere legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. <br />Debt service funds - Debt service funds ere used to eccount for the eccun�lation of resources for, end the <br />peyment of generel tong-term debt principet, interest, and releted costs. <br />Capital projetts funds- Cepital projects furds are used to eccount for finencial resourees to be used for the <br />ecquisition or construction of inejor capitel fatilities other than those financed by proprietary funds. <br />PROPRIETAR7 FUNDS <br />Enterprise funds - Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that ere financed and operated in a <br />manner simiter to private business enterprises, where the intent of the governing body is that the costs <br />(expenses, including depreciationy of providing goods or servires to the generel pubtic on a continuing basis <br />be finented or recovered primarily through user charges. The City has six Enterprise Funds: Water Utility <br />Fund, Seuer Utility Fund, Storm Drainage Fund, Golf Fund, Soid Yaste Recycling and Ice prena Fund. <br />E(17 <br />