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CITY OF ROSEViLLE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 1992 <br />Note 1- SummarY of Sicnificant Accountina Poticies (Continued) <br />internat Service Funds - Internat Service FuMs are used to account for the financing of goods or services <br />provided by one department or egency to other departments or a9encies of the City. 7he City has tuo internal <br />Service Punds, they ere: uorkers' Conpensation Self-Insurance Fund uhich accounts for the City's Vorkers' <br />compensation ctaims, end the Risk Management Furd uhich accounts for all of the City's Beneret insurence costs. <br />PIDUCIARY FUNDS <br />Agency funds - Agency Funds ere used to eccount for the assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as en <br />agent fior individuals, privete organizations, other govermients, and/or other funds. The City's A9ency Funds <br />are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) ard do not involve measurement of resutts of operations. <br />L. Measurement Focus '�.. <br />The aeeounting and reportin9 treetment applied to the fixed essets end long-term liebilities essociated uith '�.. <br />a fund ere determined by its measurement focus. Goverrmental funds end Expendable Trust funds are accounted <br />for on a spending or "finencial flou" meesurertient focus. This meens tnat only current assets and current <br />tiebilities are generalLy inctuded on their balante sheets. Their reported fund balance is considered a <br />measure of availabte spendable resources. Goverrvnentat fund operating statements present increases <br />(revenues end other financing sources) end decreeses (expenditures end other finencing uses) in net . <br />turrent assets. Accordingly they are seid to present a sumiary of sources end uses of evailable <br />spendeble resourtes during a period. ��.. <br />Fixed essets used in 8overrmental fund type operations (generaL fixed essets) are acwunted for in the Generel '��.. <br />Fixed Assets Account Group rather than in Goverrvnentat Funds. Pubic domain general fixed assets consisti�g � <br />of certain improvements other than buitdings including roads bridges curbs and gutters streets end <br />sideuatks and lighting systems are �capitalized along uith other generol fixed assets. No depreciation has .. <br />been provided on general fixed assets. '� <br />Lon9-term liebilities expected to be financed fran goverrmentel funds ere accounted for in the General Long Term �' <br />Debt Account Group not in the goverrmental funds. The account Broups differ fran "funds" in that they ere not <br />involved uith measurement of operations. They are conrerned onLy uith the measurement of financial position. .. <br />Noncurrent portions of long-term receivables due to goverrvnental funds are reported on their batante sheets '�.. <br />in spite of their measurement focus. Houever speciet reporting treatments ere used to indicate in a <br />goverrvnental funds that they should not be tonsidered "availabte spendable resources" si�ce they do not <br />represent net current assets. Recognition of revenues in these funds represented by noncurrent receivebles are <br />deterred until they become current receivables. ��.. <br />Because of their spending measurement fotus, expenditures recognition for goverrmental fund types exclude <br />emounts represented by noncurrent liabilities. Since they do not effect net current asse2s suth long term <br />amounts ere not recognized as goverrmentaL fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. They are instead <br />reported as liabilities in the Generat Long-term Debt Account Group. � ���� <br />Proprietery funds are eccounted for on a cost ot services or "capital meintenance" measurement focus. 7his <br />means that att assets, including fixed assets, and all liabitities, including long-term liahilities . <br />associated uith their activity, are included on their balence sheets. Their reported fund equity is . <br />segregated into contributed capital and retained earnin9s components. The operatin9 stetertients of the funds . <br />present increases (revenues) end decreases (expenses) in net total essets. <br />D. Basis of Accounting '�. <br />The modified aetrual basis of accounting is used by a 9overrmental fund types, expendabte trust funds end . <br />agenty funds. Under the modified eccrual 6asis of eccounting, revenues ere reeognized when susceptible to <br />accrual (ie., when they 6ecome both meesurable and evailable). "Measurabte" means the emount of the <br />transattion can be determined and "avaitabte" means cotleetible within the current period or soon enough <br />thereafter to 6e used to pay liabiities of the eurrent period. The city considers property taxes as aveilebte .. <br />if they are cotLected within 60 deys efter year end. Expenditures are recorded uhen the reteted tund tiabiity .. <br />is incurred. Principal end interest on generat long•term debt are recorded as fund Liabiities when due o e8hen <br />amou�ts have been accuiulated in the debt service furd for peyments to be made earty in the follouing y <br />Those revenues susceptible to accruel ere property taxes, special assessments, licenses, interest revenue and '��.. <br />eharges for services. State aids held by the stete ai year-erd on behalf of the goverrment atso are recognized <br />as revenue. Fines end permits ere not susceptible to accrual because generally they ere not measurable untit <br />reteived in tash. '��.. <br />The eccrual basis of atcounting is utilized by proprietary fund types. Under this method, revenues are <br />recorded uhen earned end expenses are recorded at the time liebilities ere incurred. Unbilled utitity service <br />receivabLes ere recorded et year end. . <br />31 <br />