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CITY OF ROSEVILLE. MINNESOTA <br />TAHLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) <br />S£LTION SI FINANCIAL SECTION (CONTINUED) <br />H. Combining and Individual fluid and Acccunt Group <br />Sta[ements (Continued) <br />Statement of revenues, expendi[ures end changes Sn <br />fund balance - budget and actual - License Center <br />fund <br />Statement of revenuea, expenditurea and changes in <br />fund balance - budget and actual - Charitable Gambling <br />f'und <br />Debt Service F\ssida <br />Combining balance sheet <br />Com6ining atatement of revenues, espenditures and <br />changes in fund balance <br />Capital Projects Funds <br />ComCining balance sheet <br />Combining sta[ement of revenues, expenditurea and <br />changes in fund balance <br />En[ezpriee Funds <br />Combining balance sheet <br />Combining s[atemen[ of revenues, e�cpenaes and <br />changea in retained earninge <br />Combining s[atement of cash flowa <br />Intemal Service Ftuids <br />Combining balance aheet <br />Combining statement of revenues, expensea and <br />changes in retained earnin9s <br />Comparative e[atement of cash flowa <br />Trvat and Agency F�uid <br />Combining balance aheet <br />Statement of changes in aeeets and liabilities <br />General Fixed As6ets ACcount Gioup <br />Comparative schedule of 9eneral fixed asse[s <br />Schedule of general fixed assets by function and <br />ac[ivity <br />Schedule of changes in genezal fixed assets by <br />function and acttvity <br />Reference Yaqe <br />Form GS 58 <br />Form G6 59 <br />Form H 60 <br />Fozm H1 61 <br />Fozm I 62 <br />Fozm Z1 63 <br />FOYm J 64 <br />Foxm J1 66 <br />Foim J2 6'/ <br />Form R 69 <br />Form %1 70 <br />Form 1C2 71 <br />Foxm L 72 <br />Pozm L1 73 <br />Foxm M <br />Foxm M1 <br />Farm M2 <br />77 <br />78 <br />79 <br />