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CITY OF ROSEVILLE MINN£SOTA <br />TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) <br />SECTION IS FINPNCIAL S£Cl'ION (WNTINUED) <br />H. Combining and Zndividual F1uid and Accoun[ Group <br />Sta[emente (Continued) <br />General long-term debt account group <br />Comparative etatement of general long-[erm debt <br />Schedule of bonds payable <br />0. Supplemental Infoxma[ion <br />Supplemental informa[ion re9arding tax increment districts <br />Schedule of sources and uees of public funds - Tax Increment <br />All Dis[ricts <br />SECTION III STATISTICAL SECTION <br />General and Recrea[ion fund expendi[ures analyeis by function <br />General and Recreation fund revenues by aource <br />Pzoperty tax levies and collectione <br />Assessed value and ee[imated marke[ value of all taxable <br />property <br />Property tax rates end tax levies - all overlapping <br />governments <br />Special aeeeasment levies and collections <br />Ratio of net bonded deb[ to property values and net <br />bonded debt per capita <br />Computation of legal deb[ margin <br />Computation of direct and overlapping bonded debt and <br />compazative debt ratioa <br />Ratio of annual debt eervice expenditures for general <br />bonded�debt to Cotal General and Aecreation F1u�d <br />Demographic etatistics <br />Suilding permits, values, bank depoaits and real property <br />values <br />Pzincipal taxpayera <br />Pseesaed valuations by classea of real pzoperty <br />History of tax levies and mill ratea <br />Schedule of inaurance and eurety bond coverage <br />Schedule of geaeral obli9ation revenue bond covera9e <br />Miecellaneous statietical da[a <br />SECTION IV OTf�R REPORTS <br />Independent Auditor's Report on Schedule of Federal Financial <br />Aesiatance <br />Reference Paae <br />Form N <br />Form N1 <br />Form 0 <br />Form O1 <br />Table 1 <br />Table 2 <br />Table 3 <br />Table 4 <br />Table 5 <br />Table 6 <br />Table 7 <br />Table e <br />Table 9 <br />Table 10 <br />Table 11 <br />Table 12 <br />Table 13 <br />Table 14 <br />Table 15 <br />Table 16 <br />Table 17 <br />Table 18 <br />BO <br />Bi <br />82 <br />83 <br />89 <br />BS <br />86 <br />B"1 <br />BB <br />89 <br />90 <br />91 <br />93 <br />94 <br />95 <br />96 <br />9'/ <br />98 <br />99 <br />100 <br />101 <br />102 <br />FOIm P 104 <br />