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CITY OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO fINANCIAI STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 3i. 1992 <br />Note 3- Cash and Tenmorarv Investments (Continued) <br />Investments for Deferred <br />Cortpensation Plan - Pooled E 1.100.346 E 1.100.346 <br />The City's i�vestments ere categorized above to give an indication of the level of risk assuned at year-end. <br />Cetegory 7 includes investments that are insured or registered or for uhich the securities are held by the City <br />or its agent in the City's name. Cetegory 2 intludes uninsured and unregistered investments for uhich the <br />securities ere held by the banks' trust depertment or agent in the City's name. This category includes <br />repurchese agreements. Cetegory 3 inctudes uninsured and unregisTered investments for uhich the securities are <br />held by the benks', or by its trust department or agent but not in the City's name. <br />Use of the pooled method of investments resutts in periodic overdrafts in certain funds. On December 31, 1992 <br />fund equity end advances consisted of the fotlowing: <br />Generat Fund <br />Spetiat Revenue Pund <br />Debt Service Furid <br />Capital Projects Fund <br />Enterprise Fund <br />Internal Servite <br />Trust and Agency . <br />Total Equity <br />Less: advances <br />Pooled C85h and <br />investments <br />Equity in <br />Investment Pool <br />S 3,152,437 <br />844,578 <br />4,078,819 <br />14.175,Z83 <br />3,316,047 <br />7,445,963 <br />7.031.307 <br />E 28,044,428 <br />(S 20.613) <br />E 28,023.805 <br />Due to <br />Other Funds <br />E 8,369 <br />9,303 <br />2,941 <br />E 20,613 <br />The cash and cash equivalents related specifically to the enterprise funds are es follous: <br />Cash and cash equivaLents for ell enterprise funds <br />Restricted cesh and cash equivalents <br />for all enterprise funds. <br />Total cash and cash equivalents <br />of ell enterprise fuMs as of Decertber 31 <br />Note 4 - Special Assessments <br />52,614,093 <br />701.954 <br />E3.316.047 <br />Special Assessments - The payment of eertain special assessments has been postponed in accordance uith <br />appliceble City Council polity or State statutes. These assessments in the amount of 594,779 ere included uith <br />the special assessments receivabte of the debt service funds as of December 31, 1992. These assessments will <br />become collectible uhen the conditions set forth by Council policy or in the State statutes otcur. It is <br />impossible to determine uhen these conditions will occur. <br />Note 5- Due from Other Goverrments <br />Current amounts due fran other goverrments on Decenber 37, 1992 are presented below: <br />Fund <br />Capitel Projects <br />Enterprise <br />Spetiel Revenue <br />TOTAL <br />STATE OTHER iOTAL <br />S 122.792 5122.792 <br />E 72,802 72.802 <br />3,624 3,624 <br />E 12 ,792 E 76.426 E1� 18 <br />The Sanitary Seuer fund belance sheet (enterprise funds) irdicates E72,802 due fran other goverrments. This <br />batante represents the current portion of the deferred receivable due fran the Metropoliten uaste Control <br />Commission for purchase of the City's sewer interceptors. The betance ot E598,031, due fran the Comnission <br />is shoun es a long•term receivable. <br />35 <br />