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CITY OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />NOtES TO FiNANCIpI STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 7992 <br />Note 1- SuimerY of Sianificant Accountina Poticies (Lontinued) <br />H. Total Colums on Combined Statements <br />Total colums on the combined statements ere ceptioned "Memorandun Only" to indicate they are presented only to <br />facilitate financial analysis. Data in these coLums do not present financial position, results of operations, or <br />cash flows in conformity uith generelly accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data canparable to a <br />tonsolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this deta. <br />Note 2- Excenditures in Extess of Budoet ard Deficits in Pund eatences <br />The City Hatt Debt Service Fund - 1992 fund balance increased it's defitit of E2,675 to e totat of E6,665. This increase <br />was due to en unenticipated reduction in property taxes received. <br />The Recreation Fund - expenditures exceeded the 7992 6udget by 589,206 resulting in a fund defitit of E31,984. The <br />defitit uas due to a combination of an unanticipeted reduction in property texes and an increase in unanticipated <br />experditures. <br />The Tele-Camunications Fund - 1992 expenditures exceeded budget by 5167,030 resulting in a fund deficit of 584,543. <br />The defitit was due to capital expenditures essociated with the televising of City Council meetings. <br />No remedial action is required for these excess expenditures or fund deficits. 7he fund deficits are expected to be <br />etiminated through revenues in future yeers. <br />Note 3- Lash and Tencorarv Investments <br />Cesh surpluses are pooled and invested in certificates of deposit and short•term govertment securities. Investment <br />earnings are ellocated to funds on the basis of average tash balances or specifically in the case of restricted yietd <br />funds. Investments ere stated at cost, which approximetes market, and are not identified uith specitic funds with <br />exception of tertein debt service funds which are subject to restricted yield. In those instances, spetific investme�ts <br />are setured at belou arbitrage rates. <br />Cesh and temporary investments et year end consists of ihe follouing: <br />Repurchase agreements <br />U.S. Goverrvnent securities <br />Totel Investments <br />8enk Deposits <br />Petty Cesh arxl chenge funds <br />CerrVin9 Value <br />E 3,400,000 <br />22.842.395 <br />E 26.242.395 <br />E 7,776,517 <br />4,893 <br />Market Value <br />E 3,400,000 <br />26.410.643 <br />529.870,643 <br />Totel Cash end Deposits E 1,781,414 <br />Total Cash and Investments 528.023.805 <br />In accordence with applicable Minnesota stetutes, the City meinteins deposits at depository banks authorized by the City <br />Council. <br />Minnesote Statutes require that all deposits be protected by insurence, surety bond or collateral. If collateral is <br />ptedged as protection for the deposits, the merket vatue of the tottateral must at e minimim be 710% of the deposits <br />not covered by insuranee or bonds (14D% in case of mort9age notes pledged). Atl funds on deposii at the depositories <br />were futty insured end/or eotteterelized by cotlateral held in safekeeping by the City's agent in the City's neme. <br />The City invests only in debt obligetions whith are authorized under State Statutes. Stete Statutes permit municipal <br />investments in direct U. 5. goverrvnent obli8ations, federal egency issues, sheres of mutual funds investin8 exclusiveLy <br />in U.S. goverrment and age�cy issues, obligations of State of Minnesota or Minnesota munitipalities, benkers ecceptences, <br />highest quality cam�erciet paper, and interest beering deposits. � <br />The cerrying vetue, market value end credit risk of the U. S. Goverrment securities at year end is as follous: <br />Cerrvin9 Velue Merket Value <br />Lredit risk category 7 f22,&2,395 526,410,643 <br />Credit risk category 2 3,400,000 3,400,000 <br />Credit risk category 3 - ' <br />526.242.� 529.8�7 .643 <br />34 <br />