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CITY OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />NOiES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 1992 <br />Note 7 - Lonp•Term Debt (Continued) <br />58,420,000 Tax Increment Bonds Series 2 due in ennual installments of <br />5150,000 - E900,000 throuBh February t, 1994; nei interest 8.09% <br />520,035,000 Tax Increment Refunding Bonds Series 1992 due in ennual <br />installments ot 51,215,000 - E2,250,000 fhrough February 1,2006; <br />net interest 5.855% <br />Total Tax Increment BorxJs <br />Tax ]ncrement Bonds ere paid fran the Tax Increment Bond Fund. <br />E 665,000 <br />20,035,000 <br />E21.675.000 <br />Total General Long Term Debt Bonds E36.805,000 <br />The City is subject to a legal debt limit besed on e percentage of estimated market vatue i� <br />eecordence uith Minnesota Statutes. The City's legal debt margin as of December 31, 7992 uas <br />E33,795,508. <br />Changes in 9eneral long term debt during 7992 are sumiarized as follous: <br />Actrued Yatetion and <br />Severance Pay <br />General Obligation Bonds <br />General Obligation <br />Improvement Bonds <br />Generel Obligation <br />Tax Increment Bonds <br />Generat Obligation <br />Tex Increment Refunding <br />Bonds <br />General Obtigation Stete <br />pid Highuay Bonds <br />Total <br />Balence <br />January i, <br />�qqp pdditions <br />E 349,077 E 24,170 <br />zoo,oao <br />13,260,000 2,200,000 <br />21,530,000 <br />20,035,000 <br />1,895.000 <br />Balance <br />December 37, <br />Retired 1992 <br />E 373,247 <br />s so,000 iso,00a <br />720,000 14,740,000 <br />19,890,000 <br />1.655.000 <br />E 37,234.077 S 22.259.170 E22.315.000 <br />1,640,000 <br />20,035,000 <br />240.000 <br />E37.778.247 <br />Accrued vacation and severance pay addition is net of eny changes within the related e�loyee benefit accounts for the <br />year. <br />The City defeased several debt issues in 1990 and catted two issues; one in 1990 and one in 1991. The batance of <br />defeased debt outstanding as of Decertber 37, 1992 is E705,000. TotaL assets in the escrow es of December 37, 7992 have <br />e book value of 5728,247. It is expected that interest earnings on the assets combined uith the principal will provide <br />more then sufficient revenue for the life of the escrou. <br />On Pebruery t, 1992 the City issued E20,035,000 i� Generat Obligation Bonds with an average interest rete of 5.85°6 to <br />advance refund E1,550,000 ot the General Obligetion Stete Rid Nighuay Bonds end E20,760,000 of General Obligation Tax <br />Increment Bonds uith an average interest cost of 8.01X. The net proceeds of E79,744,696 (after payment of EZ90,304 in <br />discounts, Legat ard other issuance costs) plus en additional f1.4 million of Tax IncremeM Series 1985 sinking fund <br />monies were used to purehase U.S. Goverrvnent securities. Those securites were deposited in a irrevocabte trust uith <br />an escrou agent to provide for alt future debt service payments on the Tax Increment Series 1985 and the State Highuay <br />Bonds Series 1985 bonds. As a resutt, the meturities after 1994 of the Generat Obligation Tex Intrement end the General <br />Obligation State Highwey Bonds are considered to be deteased and the tiability for those bonds has been removed fran <br />the general lon9-term debt aceount group. <br />The City advance refunded the GenereL ObLigation Tex Increment bonds and the Generel Obligation State Highuay bonds to <br />(differencetbetueenbtheepresent�values ofethehdebtXserviceepayments onn th o d e�nd�neu bt j obt$'3n'a�'ii;n���c gain <br />38 <br />