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LITY OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANLIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 37. 1992 <br />Note 8- Defined eenefit Pension Plans - Stateuide <br />A. Plan Destription <br />All full-2ime and certain pert-time employees of the City are covered by defined benefit pension plans <br />adninistered by the Pubtic Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota (PERA). GERA administers the Public <br />Employees Retirement FuM (PERF) and the Pubic Employers Potice and Fire Fund (PEPFF) uhich ere rost sharing <br />multiple-emptoyer public employee retirement plans. PERF merti6ers betong to either the Coordinated Plan or the <br />Basit Plan. Coordinated members are covered by Sociel Security and easic membersare not. All neu members must <br />participate in the Coordinated Plen. Alt police offiters, fire fighters and peace officers uho quatify for <br />mertibership by statute are covered by the PEPFP. The payroll for e�toyees covered by PERF and PEPFF tor the <br />year ended Detenber 31, 1992, was 82,862,478 and Si,889,700 respectivety ; the City's totaL payroLL uas <br />E5,576,246. <br />Pera provides retirement benefits as uell as disability benefits to members, and benefits to survivors upon <br />death of eligible members. Benefits are established by State Statute, end vest after three years of credited <br />service. The defined retirement benetits are based on member�s everege selary for any five successive years <br />of atlouable service, age, and years of credit et termination of service. Two methods are used to compute <br />benefits for Coordinated and Basic members. 7he retiring member receives the higher of step•rate benetit <br />eccruaL formula (Method 1) or a level accrual forrtula (Meihod 2). Under Method t, the annuity accrual rate for <br />e Basic member is 2 percent of average satary for each of the first 10 years of service end 2.5 percent for each <br />remaining year. For a Coordinated mertd�er, the annuity accrual rate is 1 percent of average salary for each <br />of the first 70 years and 7.5 percent tor each remaining year. Using Method 2, the annuity accrual rete is 2.5 <br />percent ot average salary for Basic members and 7.5 percent for Coordinated members. For PEPFF members, the <br />ennuity accruat rate is 2.5 percent for each year of service. for PERF members whose annuity is calculated <br />using Method 1, and for all PEPFF memhers, a futl annuity is eveileble when age plus yeers of service equat 90. <br />There ere different types of annuities svaileble to rt�ers upon retirement. A normal annuity is e lifetime <br />annuity that ceases upon the death of the retiree. No survivor annuity is peyabte. There are atso various <br />types ot joint and survivor annuity options avaiteble which witl reduce the monthly normal annuity amount, <br />beceuse the annuity is payable over joint lives. Members may atso leave their con[ributions in the fund upon <br />termination of public service, in order to quatify for a deferred annuity at retirement age. Refunds of <br />contributions ere availabte et any time to members uho leave public service, but before retirement benefits <br />beg i n. <br />8. Lontributions Required and Contri6utions Mede <br />Minnesota Statutes Chapter 353 sets the rates for emptoyer arx! employee tontributions. The City makes annual <br />contributions to the pension plans equat to the emount required by state statues. According to Minnesota <br />Statues Chapter 356.215, Sud. 4(g) the date of futt furding required for PERF and PEPFF is the year 2020. As <br />part of the annual actuariet valuation, PERA's actuary determines the sufficiency of the statutory contribution <br />rates towards meeting the required full funding deedline. The ectuary tompares the actuet contribution rate <br />to a"required�� contribution rate. Current combined statutory contribution rates and attuarially required <br />contribution rates for the plans are as follous: <br />PERF: <br />Besic and Coordinaied Plans <br />PEPfF: <br />Statutorv Rates <br />E�tovee E�Lover <br />4.41% 4.74% <br />8X 12% <br />Total contributions made by the City during fiscel year 1992 uere: <br />PERF: <br />PEPFf: <br />TotaLs <br />Amounts <br />EmotoYee ErtploYer <br />E 728,929 E 140,498 <br />S 151,176 <br />S 280.105 <br />39 <br />E 226.772 <br />E 367.270 <br />Reauired <br />Rates <br />9.95% <br />18.bX <br />Pertentage of <br />Covered Payrotl <br />EmoLovees Emptover <br />4.5% <br />8.0% <br />7.43� <br />72.00% <br />