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C1TY OF ROSEVIILE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCfAI STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 1992 <br />Note 8• Defined 8enefit Pension Ptans - Stateuide CContinued) <br />The City's contribution for the yeer ended June 30, 1992 to the PERi represented 0.13 percent of total <br />contributions required of aLt perticipating entities. For the PEPFF, contributions for the year ended June 30, <br />1992, represented 0.80 percent of total eontributions required of ell participating entities. <br />C. Funding Stetus and Progress <br />1. Pension Benefit Obligation <br />The "pension benefit obligation" is a standardized disclosure measure of the present velue of pension benefits, <br />adjusted for the effects of projected salary increases and step-rate benefits, estimated to be payable in the <br />future as e result of employee service to date. The meesure, uhith is the ectuariat present value of eredited <br />projected benefits, is intended to help users assess PERA's funding status on a going-concern basis, assess <br />progress mede in accunutating sufficient essets to pay benefits uhe� due, and make taoparisons emong Public <br />Employees Retirement Systems and ertptoyers. PERA does not meke separate measurements of assets and pension <br />benefit obtigation tor individual ertptoyers. <br />The pension benefit o6ligations of PERA es of June 30, 1992, were as follous: <br />Total pension benefit <br />obligations <br />Net assets availeble <br />for benefits, at cost <br />(Market Vatues for <br />PERP = 54,068,082,000; <br />PEPFF = 81,012,812,000) <br />PERF <br />S 4,868,124,000 <br />E 3.933.124,000 <br />PEPFF <br />E 821,604,000 <br />E 963.565.000 <br />Unfunded pension benefit <br />obligation (surplus assets) E 935.000.000 CE 141.961.000) <br />The measurement of the pension benefit obtigation is besed on an ectuarial valuation as of June 30, <br />7992. Net assets available to pay pension benefits were valued as of June 30, 7992. <br />2. Changes in Benefit Provisions. <br />Effective for the June 30, 1992, valuation, legistative activity since the last aetuarial valuation resuLted <br />in some minor changes in benefit provision for the two funds. These changes did not heve a significant impact <br />on the PERF or the PEPFF. <br />D. Ten-yeer Historical Trend Information <br />Ten-year historical trend information is presented in PERA's Comprehensive Annual Pinancial Report <br />for the year ended June 30, 7992. This information is useful in assessing the pension plan's ac- <br />ctmulation of sufficienc essets to pay pension benefits as they becane due. <br />E. Releted Party Invescments <br />ps of June 30, 1992, end for the fistal yeer then ended, PERA held �o securities issued by the City <br />or other related parties. <br />The City's contributions to the Federat Sociat Security (FICA) plan for the year were E266,943. <br />Note 9- Sinale Emplover Detined Benefit Pension Ptan - Volunteer_Fire Relief Association <br />The City contributes to the City of Roseville Fire Fighter's Retief Association ("Association"), a single <br />employer public employee retirement system that acts as e camron investment end adninistrator for the <br />City's firefighters. <br />Volunteer firefighters of the City are members of the Roseville Fire Fighter's Relief Association. These <br />benefit provisions and all other requirements are consistent uith enabting state statutes. <br />� <br />