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CITY OF ROSEViLLE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO iINANC1Al STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 1992 <br />Note 16 - Deferred Caroensation Plen (Contirwed) <br />Atl amounts of crnQensetion deferred vder the ptan, all property and rights property purchased with those <br />amowts, and all income attributeble to those emounts, or rights are (until peid or made availabte to the <br />employee or other beneficiary) solety the property erx! rights of the City, subjeet only to the clei� of <br />the City's generet creditors. Perticipents` rights inder the plen ere equal to those of the City in an <br />emount equel to the fair merket value of the deferred account for eeeh perticipent. Plen essets of <br />51,700,346 at Deceirber 31, 1992 are shown in the finenciet atatements ae a"Deposits with Trustees" in the <br />apency f�nds with a rorrespondinp credit to deposite peyable. - <br />It ie the opinion of the City's leyat counset that the City has rw liability for losses vder the ptan but does have <br />the duty of due cere that wauld be required of an ordinery prudent investor. The City believes thet it is �likely that <br />it �ilt use the assets to setisfy the daims of peneral ereditors in the futurc. . <br />Note 17 - Tax Ineranent <br />The City of Roseville is the adninisterinp authority for the foltowinB tex inerement finence distriot. <br />Name of Distriet: Munieipal DeveLopnent District <br />Type of District: Redevelopment <br />Authorizing Statue: 472A <br />Year Esteblished: 1982 <br />Duration of District: 25 Years <br />Originat Gross Tax Capacity <br />Current Gross Tax Capacity: <br />Captured Gross Tax Cepecity: <br />Aeteined by �uthority <br />Shered with other texing <br />distriete <br />Note 78 • Reelessifitetions <br />f 6,834,139 <br />f12,385,705 <br />55,623,776 <br />25,623,776 <br />-0- <br />Totet Bonds Issued end Type <br />General Obligation <br />Totel Loens Incurred <br />Maunts redeemed <br />Outstarding bonds ard loens at <br />12/37/92 <br />f24,945,000 <br />-0- <br />S 2,455,000 <br />522,490,000 <br />in 1992, the License Center end Forestry Departments were moved fran the Generel F�rid to the cpeciet revenue f�mds. <br />The License Center wes estabtished as its own fund with She Speciel Revenue Funds and the Porestry was cambined into <br />the Reereation Pund- This reclassification wes determined at budget time to be more appropriate for the operations of <br />those departments. There was no effect on the prior f�aid belentes of either the Generel Fund and the Speciel Revenue <br />Punds. <br />Note 19 - industriet Revenue Bonds <br />Between the years of 1982 and 1985, the tity issued f44,350,000 of industriat revenue bonds. Such bonds ere issued <br />in the City's name. Nowever, no eurrent or future liability exists for the City under current State end federat Statutes. <br />As of Deeember 31, 1992, 532.5 million of sueh bonds uere outstanding. <br />Note 20 - Liti9etfon <br />The City had the usual end cus[anary types of miscelleneous etaims pending at year end, mostty of e minor nature, and <br />usually alt covered by insuranee carried for that purpose or the City has reserved funds for setttement. The City <br />atso eerries personat injury insurance a9ainst suits for false errest, libel, slender, viotation of privacy, wrongfut <br />mtry, etc., �+hieh suits cen arise fran enforeement of the city eode and 9�erat taus. <br />Note 21 • Subsecuent Eve�ts <br />On Februery 11, 1993, the City so(d 52,300,000 of general obLiBetion i�rove+nent bonds. The bonds are due in ernual <br />installments of Si10,000 - 5215,000 through Narch 1, 2008 at an effective interest rate of 5.1567X. <br />On February 11, 1993 the City sold 51,975,000 of general oblipetion refurding bonds. The bonds ere due in arnuel <br />instatlments of f190,000 - 5260,000 through March t, 2002 et an effeetive interest rate of 4.49752X.� <br />0 <br />