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CITY OP ROSSVILLB <br />NOT65 TO FINANCIAL STAT6M8NTS <br />DBCHMBSA 31, 1994 <br />N t 1- 5 f S� 'f' t Accountinq Policiee <br />The City o¢ Roaeville, Mi�eeota, wae incoZporated on May 28, 1948, and became a etatutoxy city on January 1, 19'/4. <br />The City opesatee undex a Couneil-Manager fozm of government, and providee variove eervicee ae authorized by State <br />etatute, including the following: general government, public ea£ety, public vorke, parke and recreation, water and sever <br />utility, and co�unity development. � <br />The atcounting politiee of the City of Roeeville confoem to generally accepted accounting principals applicable to <br />governmental units. The £ollowing ie a eu�ary o£ the more aigniEicant policiee. <br />A. Reporting HntiYy , <br />Por financial reporting puzpoaea the City•e financial etatemente include all funde, aceount gmupe, departmenta, <br />agenciee, boarde, eo�ieeione, and other oxganizatione for which the City ie finaneially accouncable. Howevez, none <br />of the unite included are legally aeparate orgavizatione and do not quali£y ae component unite under Statement 14 0£ <br />the Governmental Aecounting Standarde Board (GASB). <br />B. Fund Acco�nting ' <br />The accounte of the City are ozganized on the baeis of fvnde and account gmupe, each of vhich ie conaidered a eeparaCe <br />accounting entity. The operationa of each fund are accounted for with a eepazate eat o£ eelf-balancing accounte that <br />compriae ite aeeete, liabilitiee, fund equity, revenuas, and expendituree, or expeneee, aa appmpriate. Government <br />reeourcee are allocated to and accounted for in individual funde baeed upon Che puzpoaee for which they are to be epent <br />and the meane by which apending activitiee are controlled. The varioue funde are grouped in the financial etatemente <br />report into aeven genezie fund typee and three bmad fund catagoriee ae followe: <br />CAVSRITI&NTAL PUNDS <br />General Pund - The General Fund ie the primavy opezating fund oE the City. It ie ueed to account for all Financia] <br />resourcee except those requized to be accounted for in another fund. <br />Special revenue funda - special revenue E�nde aze ueed to aeeount £or the procaede o£ certain epetiEic revenue eourcea <br />that are legally zeetricted to expendituree for epecified puvpoeee. <br />Debt eervice funde - Debt eervice £unde are ueed to account foz the accumulation of ineourcee for, and the payment of <br />general long-term debt principal, intereet, and related coste. <br />Capital pzojecte E�nde- Capital projecte £unde are ueed to ateount for financial reeoureee to be ueed for the acquieieion <br />or construceion of majoz capital facilitiea othez than thoee financed by proprietaxy funds. � <br />PHOPRISTARY PUNDS <br />evtezpriee Funde - Sntezpriee Funde are ueed to actount for operationa that are financed and operated in a manner eimilar <br />to private bueineea entexprieee, where the intent of the governing body ie that the coate (expeneee, including <br />depreciation) oE providing goode oz eervicee to the general public on a continuing baeie be Einanced or recovered <br />primarily thmugh ueez ehazgee. The City hae Eive Bn[ezpriee Funde: Water U[ility Pund, Sewer Vtility Fund, Stoxm <br />Dsainage Pund, Golf Pund, and Solid Waete Aecyeling. <br />Internal Service funde - Internal Service Punde are ueed to accovnt £oz the financing oE goode or eervicee provided by <br />one department oz a9ency to othez departmente or agenciee of the City. The City hae two Intemal Service Punde, they <br />are: Workere' Compeneation Self-Ineurance Pund which accounta for the City'e Workere' eompeneation claime, and the Riek <br />Management Pund which accounta Eor all of the City'e geneza7 ineurance coete. <br />PIDUCIARY PUNDS <br />Agency funds - Agenry Pu�da are ueed to account £or the aeeete held by the City in a tnetee capacity or ae an agent <br />for individuale, private oxganizatione, other govesnmente, and/or other Eunde. The City'e Agency Punde are cuatodial <br />in natuze (aseete equal liabilitiae) and do not involve meaeuremmt of reeulta o£ operatione. <br />ACCOUNT GROUPS <br />The general fixed aeeete account gmup is ueed to account for fixed aeeete not accounted £oz in proprietary or truet <br />Eunds. The general long-term debt aeeount group ie uaed to account for general long-texm debt and tertain othes <br />liabilitiee that are not epecific liabilitiee of proprietary oz Csvet funde. <br />30 <br />