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CITY OP ROS6VILL8 <br />NOT65 TO FINANCIAL STAT6MHNT5 <br />DHC6MBHR 31. 1994 <br />N t 1 5 f S' '£' t A tin Policiee (Continued) <br />C. Meaeurement Pocue <br />Rhe a<covnCing and reporCing treatment applied to the fixed aeeete and long-tezm liabilitiee aeaociated with a fund are <br />dete�ined by ite meaeurement focus. Governmental funde and Hxpendable Trvet funde are accounted £or on a epending or <br />"£inancial flow" meaeurement £oeue. Thie meane that only turzent aeee[e and current liabilities are generally ineluded <br />on theiz balance eheete. Their reported fund balancc ia coneidered a meaeure o£ available ependable resources. <br />Governmental fund opexating etatemente preeent inereaeee (revenvee and other £inancing eourcee) and decreaeea <br />(expenditurea and other £inancing uaee) in net current aeeete. Accordingly they are said to preeent a summary <br />of eoureee and ueee o£ available apendable reeourcee during a period. <br />Fixed aeeete ueed in govemmental fund type operatione (general fixed aeeete) are aceounted for in the General Fixed <br />Aeeete Accovnt Gmup zather than in Governmental Funde. Pubic domain general fixad aeeete coneieting of certain <br />impmvemente othez than buildinga including soade bridgee curbe and guttere etzeets and eidevalke and lighting <br />eyeteme are capitalized along with other general Eixed aeeete. No depreciation hae been provided on general fixed <br />aseets. <br />Long-teim liabilitiea expected Co be £inanced from governmental funds aze aeeounted £or in the General Long Term Debt <br />Aecount Group not in the governmental funde. The account gmupa dif£er from "funde" in that they aze not involved with <br />meaeurement of operatione. They aro concerned only vith the meaeurement of f3naneial poeition. <br />NOIIC1lLZCIIt �'rt1011e o£ lOS1g-YeYID Ieceivd{fle6 dU< to goV¢SORentdl £LLi1de aYe ICpOrtGd OR theiY 631ance 8heete 12l Bpite <br />of their meaeurement foeus. However apecial xeporting treatmenta aze ueed to indieate in a governmental funde that <br />they should not be conaidezed "available ependable reeourcea• aince Chey do not repreeent net eurrent aeeete. <br />Recognition o£ revenuee in theee funda repreeented by noncurrent receivablae are deferred until they become current <br />xeceivablee. <br />eecauee o£ theix epending meaeumment focue, expenditure reeognition for govesnmantal fund typee exclude amounte <br />repreaented by noncurzent liabilitiee. Sinee they do not affect net eurrent aeeete sueh long texm amovnte are not <br />recognized ae governmantal £und type expendituree oz fund liabilitiee. They are inetead reported ae liabilitiee in <br />the General Long-tesm Deb[ Aecount Gmup. <br />Proprietary £unde are accounted for on a coet of <br />all asaete, including £ixed asee[e, and all <br />activity, are intluded on their balac�ce eheete. <br />and retained earnings eomponenta. The operating <br />(expensee) in net tatal aeseta. <br />D. Baeis of Accounting <br />eervicee or "capital maintenance^ meaeurement focue. Thie meana that <br />liabilitiee, including long-texm liabilities aeaociated with their <br />Theiz reported f�nd equity ie eegzegated into contributed eapital <br />etatemente o£ the funde praeant increaeee (revenuee) and decreaeee <br />The modi£ied accxual baeie oE accounting ie ueed by a governmental fund typee, and agenry funde. Under the modi£ied <br />acczual baeie oE accowting, xevenuee are recognizad when eueeeptible to accrual (ie., when they become both measurable <br />and available). "Meaeurable^ meane the amount o£ tha tranea<tion can be dete�ned and ^available^ meane collectible <br />within Yhe current peziod oz eoon enough thereaEter to be ueed to pay liabilitiee of the current period. The city <br />considere property ta�cee ae available if they are collected vithin 60 daye a£ter year end. &xpendituzee are recorded <br />when the related fund liability ie ineuxred. Principal and inecrest on gencral long-tezm debt are recorded as £und <br />liabilitiea when d�e or when amoun[e have been aecumulaYed in the debt eervice £und foz paymente to be made eazly in <br />the £ollowing year. <br />Thoee revenuee sueeeptible to accrual are pxoperty eaxee, apecial aeeeaemente, liceneee, intereat revenve and chazges <br />£or aervicee. State aide held by the etate at year-end on behalf of the govemment aleo are reeognized ae revenue. <br />Pines and permite are not eueceptible to accrual becavee generally they are not meaevrable until reeeived in caeh. <br />The govemment reporte defened revenue an ite eombined balance eheet. Deferred revenues ariee When a potential revenue <br />does not meet both the "meaeuzable" and "available" cziteria for recognition in the current period. De£erred revenuee <br />also aziae vhen reeovrcee are received by the govexnmcnt be£ore it hae a legal claim to them ae when grant monies aze <br />received prior to the incurrenee of qualiEying expendituree. Zn eubeequent periode when both revenue recognition <br />critezia aze met oz when the government hae a legal elaim to Uhe reaourcee the liability £or defexred revenue ie <br />zemoved from the combined balanee eheet and xevenue ie recognized. <br />6�cpendituree aze generally reeogciized under the modi£ied accrval basie oE aecounting when the related Evnd <br />liability ie incurred exeept foz principal and intereet on general long-texm debt which ie recoyziized when due and <br />accumulated unpaid vaeation and compeneatory time off vhich are recognized when paid. <br />The accrual baeis of accounting ie utilized by proprietary Eund typae. f)nder thie method, revenves are recorded vhen <br />eazned and e�enees ase recorded at Che time liabilitiae are incuzred. thibilled utiliey eervice reeeivablee are recorded <br />at yeaz end. <br />31 <br />