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CITY OP ROSSVILLe <br />NOT65 TO PINANCIAL STATSMBNTS <br />DBCBMS6R 31, 1994 <br />N t 1 5 f S' 'f' t Ac t' P 1' (C t'nued) <br />Intereet ie capitalized on pmprietary £unde aeaeta acquired with tax-exampt debt. The amount of intereet to be <br />capitalized ia calculated by o£feetting interaet eupenee incurzed £mm the date o£ the boxxoving until completion o£ <br />the projeet with intereet earned on invested pzoceede over the eame period. <br />Sp cial Aeeeeemen[e - Special aeaeeementa are laviod againet the benefitted pmpertiee £or the aeeaeeable coste of <br />epecial aeeeaement improvement pmjecte in aceordante with State etatutee. The City veually adopte the aseeeement xolle <br />when the individual psojecte are complete or eubetantially tomplete. The aeaeeemente are collettible over a tezm of <br />yeare genezally consietent with the tesm of yeare of the related bond ieeue. Collection of a}uival inetallmente (including <br />intezeat) is handled by the County in the eame ma�u�es ae pmperty taxee. Property owneze are allowed to prepay total <br />future inatallmenta wiehout ineereet or prepayment penaltiea. <br />Inventoriae - Inventoriee held by thc entezpriee funde are atated at the lower of coat or market, uaing the Eiret-in, <br />firet-out method. The eoet o£ inventozy ie recognized ae e�cpenee at the time the iteme aze eold or �eed (conaumption <br />method) <br />Utilitv eerviee chamee are recognized when earn<d with no allowance foz untollectible ae delinquent aecounte are <br />certi£ied ae a lien againe[ the pmperty billed. Uz�billed utility eervice chargee aze included in zeceivablee at <br />year-end. <br />encumbraneee - Bneumbraneee repreeent purehaae eo�itmente. Bncumbraneee outetanding at year-end aze reported as <br />reeervatione of £�nd balancee eince they do not conetitvte �pendituree or liabilitiee. <br />v t" S'ck and Comoeneatorv Time Off Pav - The City eompeneatee employeee vpon texmination for unusad vacation and <br />compeneatory time oEf. Smployeae are not compeneated for unueed sick pay upon texmination of employment, except upon <br />retiremenc, a[ vhich tima employeee aze entitled to one-half o£ their accumulated leave up to one month'e pay. Vacation <br />and compeneatory time off are acczued when eamed and eick pay ie expeneed when payment ie made in the pzopzietary funde. <br />Vacation, compeneatory time off, and eick pay are reeognized vhen payment is made in the govemmental £unde. The <br />noncuzrent liability foz Che governmantal funde ie reflected in the General Long-Texm Dabt Account Gmup rapreeenting <br />the City'e eo�itment to fvnd euch coste from future operatione. <br />Caeh Flowa - Por purpoeee of thie etatement, all highly liquid inveetmenta (including reetricted aeaete) with a maturity <br />of three monthe or leee vhen purehaeed are coneidered to be caeh equivalente. <br />Claims - There are a numbex of claime £or workez' e eompeneation and liability damage in the inCernal eervice funda which <br />have occuzred but have not yet been conveyed to the City on December 31 of each yeaz. The City prapazee an eetimate of <br />those claime baeed on hietorical information and eubeequen[ eventa. The amoune of the eetimate ie expenaed and ehown <br />ae a current liability for the reporting year. <br />Post-Retirement Hene£ite - The City doee not provide for employee poet-retirement benefite. <br />G. Comparative Data <br />Comparative data for the prior year have been preeeneed to pmvide an undesetanding of ehangee in the City'e <br />financial poeition and operatione. <br />H. Total Columne on Combined Statemente <br />Total columne on the eom6ined etatemente aze cap[ioned "Memorandum Only" to indieate they are preeented only to <br />Eaeilitate tinancial analyeie. �ata in theae columne do not praeant finaneial poeition, reeulte of operatione, oz <br />cash flowe in conEozmity vith generally accepted accounting pzinciplea. Neither ie euch data comparable to a <br />conaolidation. Intezfund eliminatione have not been made in the aggregation of thie data. <br />Note 2- 8 endiWres in 6 £ 9ud t and Deficite in Pund Balancea <br />The RecreaCion Pund - expendituree exceeded the 1994 budget by $256,6]3 reeulting in a fund deficit of $1,961,3]1. The <br />deficit wae due to higher than expeeted expenditurea and a departmental reoxganization. (See Note 19.) <br />The Tele-Communieatione Fund - 1994 ievenuee exceeded expendituxee by $41,']83 reeulting in a neduction in the fund <br />de£icit to 519,901. The deficit vae due to capital expendituzee in 1992 aeeoeiated with the televieing oE City Council <br />meetinga. <br />The Community Development Pund - expendituzee excaeded the 1994 budget by $52,102. The exeeee expenditurea vere highez <br />than expected due to an increaee in opexationa. The co�unity development fund revenue wae 5312,346 in exeeee of the <br />budgeted zevenue for 1994. <br />33 <br />