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CITY OP ROSHVILLS <br />NOT85 TO PINANCIAL STATHMHNTS <br />DBCSMHBR 31, 1994 <br />N 1 S £ S� �£� t A t� P 1' (C nt'nued) <br />S. Sudgete and Budgetary Accounting <br />The City adopta an azu�ual budget for the General and Special Revenue £unde vhich are psepared on the modiEied ac<xval <br />baeie of accounting. The adopted budget indicatee the amount that can be expended by each fund baeed on detailed budget <br />eseimatee £or individual expenditure accounte. Management may make budget modi£icatione within the £und level. All <br />budget revieione at the £und level muet be authorized by the City Covncil at the requeet o£ the City Managez. The <br />Council under Mixu�eeota State Statutee Section 412.'/31 can modify or amend [he budget i£ unappropriated £unde aze <br />available. Budget modification at the fund level Wae neceeeazy in 1994 £or the Recxeation Fund and the Licenae Center <br />Pund. The amendmente ineluded increaeee of $1'/,000 and $50,00o reepectively. A71 avpplemental appmpxiatione aze <br />£inanced either by tranafere fsom the Contingeney Seetion of the General Pund budget or by revenuee received in exceee <br />of the budgeted amounts. All bvdgee amounta lapee at the end of the year to the extent they have not been ezpended. <br />The level which expendituree may not legally exeeed appzopriations ie at the fund level. <br />F. Aasete, Liabilitiee and Fund Hguity <br />Inveeemente - City inveetmente are carried at <oet, which approximatee market. ( See note 3£or discloeurea relating <br />to caeh management and inveetmenta.) Inveetmente reported in the defexred compeneation plan are reported by the plan'e <br />truateee at marke[ value. <br />eropertv Taxea - Prvperty tax leviee are eet by the City Council in Dccember each yeaz and are eertified to the County <br />for collettion the following yeaz. Zn Mi�eeota, countiee att ae collection agen[e foz all property ta�cee. <br />The County epreade the leviea over all ta�cable pmperty in the City. Such taxee become receivablee o£ the City ae of <br />Sanuary 1. Property taxes are payable in equal inetallmente by property ownere to the County ae followe: <br />Pereonal property - Pebruary 28 and June 30 <br />Real pmpesty - May 15 and October 15 <br />The Coux�ty remite the collectione to the City and other taxing districte Eour timea a year, on or before January 20, <br />Apxil 19, Su1y 5, and December 4. <br />Property taz revenue ie recorded when it becomee measurable and available. Taxee due from Rameey County on December <br />31� 1994, aiE 1I1C1Uded in 1994 ievC2�U¢. � <br />Unpaid taxea at December 31 become liene on the reepeetive property and are claeeified in the financial etatemente ae <br />delinquent ta�cea reeeivable. The reeeivable ie £ully o££eeY by defened revenue ae it ie not available to finance <br />current e�.pendituzee. <br />Taxes payable on homestead pmperty (ae de£ined by S[ate etatutee) axe partially redueed by a homeetead and agricultssral <br />aid (EtACA). Thie aid ie paid to the City by the State in lieu o£ ta�cea levied againet homeetead pzopeKy. The State <br />zemits this aid in two equal inetallmente in July and Deeember eath year. <br />Fixed Aeeete - General Fixed aeaete are not capitalized in the funde ueed to acguire or conetzuct them. Inetead, capital <br />acquisition and conetxvction are reflected ae expendituree in governmental funda, and the related aeeets are reported <br />in the general £ixed aeeete account gmup. A71 purchaeed £ixed aeeete are valued ae coet where hietorical retorde are <br />available and at an eatimated hietorical coet where no hietorical secorde exiet. Donated fixed aeeete are valued at <br />their eetimated £air market value on the date received. <br />Fixed aeeeta o£ the entespriee £unde are capi[alized in theee funde. Depreciation ie chasged ae an e�cpenee againet <br />opesatione, and ie provided on the etraight-line method. The following table eummarized depzeciable livee oE typea of <br />property. <br />Yeaie <br />Building and Structu2ee 25- 40 <br />Furniture, equipment, vehiclee 5- 20 <br />Dietribution eyatem 80-100 <br />The coets of normal maintenance and repaire that do not add to the value of the aeaet or materially extand aeeet livee <br />are not capitalized. Impxovemente are capitalized and depreciated over the remaining ueeEul livee of the zelated £ixed <br />aeeeta, as applicable. <br />Public domain ("infraetzucture") general fixed aeeete conaieting of roade, Eridgee, curbe and gutteze, etraete and <br />aidewalks, and lighting eyeteme are not depreciated. Theee aeeete are zeportad in the genexal fixed aseet group. <br />32 <br />