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CITY OP ROSHVZLLH <br />NOT85 TO FINANCIAL STATHM6NTS <br />DBC6MB8A 31. 1994 <br />N e-➢ f' d B f't P eion Plan - SCatewide (Contirtued) <br />Por Che PBRP, aigni£icant actuarial aeeumptione veed in the ca7eulation of the penaion beneEit obligation inelude (a) <br />a rate of return on the inveetment of preeent and future aeaete o£ B.5 percent per yeaz, compounded annvally, prior to <br />setirement, and 5 percmt per year, compounded annually, following retizement; (b) projected ealary increaees taken £mm <br />a select and ultimate table; (c) payroll gmwth at 6 percent per year, coneieting of 5 percene for inflatio� and 1 <br />percent due to gmvth in group eize; (d) poet-retizement benefit inereaeee that are accounted for by the 5 percent rate <br />of retum aeeumption £ollowing retimment; and (e) mortality ratee baeed on the 1983 Group Axuiuity Mortality Table aet <br />£osward one year for retired membere and eet back five yeare £or each active member. <br />Actuarial aeeumptione veed in the calculation of the P6PPP include (a) a rate e£ retvm on the investment of preeent <br />and £uture aeeete of 8.5 percent per year, compounded axuivally, prior to zetirement, and 5 percent per yeaz, compounded <br />azinually, following retirement; (b) projected ealasy increaeee o£ 6.5 percent per year, compounded annually, attributable <br />to the efEecte oE inflation; (c) poet-retizement inereaeee [hat am ac<ounted for by the 5 percent zate o£ retum <br />aeeumption following retirement; and (d) mortality ratee baeed on the 19]1 Group Annuity Mortality Table pxnjected to <br />1989 foz males and £emalea. <br />2. Changee in Plan Provieione <br />The 1994 legielative eaeeion did not include eny benefit impzevemente which would impact funding eeete Eor the PHRP and <br />the PePPP. <br />3. Changes in Actuarial Aeaumptione <br />Prior [o £iecal year 1994, the ealary increaee aeeumption and the mortality tablee ueed in the calculation of peneion <br />benefit obligation for the PeRP were the same ae thoee epecified £or the P6PPP. Foz the luly 1, 1999 actuazial <br />valuation, PBRA'e board oE tzuateea appmved n<v mortality satea updated Co the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table, <br />salary inczeaeee whith weze ehanged to a eelect and ultimate table and a new payroll gmwth aeeumption which was changed <br />Ezom 6.5 percent to 6 percent. Theee changee vere made to reflect aetual e�cperience of the plan. <br />With the adoption of the actuarial aeeumption ehangee and the new mortali[y tablea for the P%RF, the peneion benefit <br />obliga[ion increaeed 556,596,000. The actuaiial aeeumption changee aleo neeeeaitated a$81,201,000 tranefex Eiom the <br />PfiRF BeneEit Reeerve to the PBRP MinneeoCa Poet Retirament Inveatment Pund (MPRIP) Reeerve Yo finance Che increaeed <br />obligation Eor futuze retixement ben<£ite. The change in the mor[ality zate aseumpeion increaeed the PBRP'e coste <br />because pensionere are living longer than aesumed previovely. The change in the ealary increaee aeevmption, howevez, <br />offset eome of the additional coete becavee lover ealary increaeee genarally tranelate into lower beneEit liabilities <br />in the future. <br />Potential changee in the aeeumptione ueed for the PePPP may be made in the future after completion o£ a special <br />experience etudy Eor that fund. Completion of the PHPPP expezience etudy ie expected by Febzvazy 1, 1995. <br />D. Ten-yeat Hietozical Trend InEosmation <br />Ten-year hietozical trend infozmation ie preeented in PSRA•e Compreheneive Axvival Pinancial Report <br />for the year ended June 30, 1994. Thie in£ozmation ie uaeful in aeeeeeing the peneion plan'e ae- <br />cumulaCio� of eufficient aeeeta to pay peneion benefite aa they become due. <br />6. Related Pasty Inveatmente <br />As o£ June 30, 1994, and for the fiatal year then ended, PHRA held no aecuritiee ieeued by the City <br />or other related partiee. <br />Note 9- Sin le 8m lo D fi d 8 ne£it Peneion Plan - Volunteer Pire Relief Aeeociation <br />The City <ontributee to the City of Roeeville Pixe Pighter'e Relief Aeeociation (^Aeeociation"), a eingle <br />employer public employee zetirement eyetem tha[ acte ae a common inveetment and a�inietzator Eor the <br />City'e firefightere. <br />Volunteer firefightere of the City are mambere of the Roeeville Pize Pightez'e Relie£ Aeeociation. Theee <br />benefit provisione and all other requizemente are coneietent with enabling etate etatutee. <br />Volunteexs o£ the fire department are �ot requized Lo contribute any percent <br />the relie£ aeeociation. The City levied property taxee at the direttion of <br />fire relief aeeociation and paaeee through etate aide allocated to the plan, <br />enabling etate etatutee. <br />40 <br />of theiz gmee earninge to <br />and for the bene£it of the <br />all in accordance with <br />