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CZT'Y OF ROSSVILL6 <br />NOTES TO FSNANCIAL STATBMHNTS <br />DBCSMH6R 31. 1994 <br />N t 9 S' 1 6v1p1 Y D f� d B f't P P1 - V 1 t P're Relie£ Asaoeiation (Continued) <br />Plan Deeerintion: <br />Volunteer fire £ightere of the City join the aaeociation under the following requirements: <br />(1) They cax�not be a aubetitute or pmbationary wlunteer. <br />(27 They do not have a medical impaixmene or condition that�conetitutee a predictable or <br />unwananted riek £or the aeeociation. <br />(3) They muet pay annual duee. <br />A member in good etanding ie entitled to peneion benefite ae follove: <br />Aqe and Service Retixement <br />Sligibility - 50 yeare of age, membez of the aeeociation foz at leaet 10 yeare and hae eerved in the <br />Roeeville Volunteez Pize Departmant fox 20 yeare. <br />Monthly Benefit - a member at the full aervice paneion level will zeceive 520.00 a month £or each yeaz <br />of eervice up to a maximum cxedit o£ 30 yeare of eervice. <br />Lump Sum - At the option o£ the mtiree, a lump aum eettlement of peneion benefite may be eelected. <br />The lump eum ehall be 52.00o £or eaeh year of eervice. <br />Punding o£ the Plan, ae aet out in State Statute, requirea [he Aeeoeiation [o alu�ually compute the total <br />amount by adding the amovnt of normal coet plue amortization needed to fully £und the actuarial liability. <br />That amount ie then redueed by the eetimatad etate aid to be received plue an eetimated intereet growth oE <br />59 on total plan aeeete. Any amount remaining may then be part of a epecial pmperty [ax levy. No othez <br />City funde or con[zibutiona by the employeee aze reguired. <br />oieabilitv Retirement <br />Temporary Dieability - a member who ie temporarily dieabled ehall receive $10 per day, not to exceed 26 <br />weeka. <br />Pesmanent Dieability - a member who ie pezmanently dieabled in the line o£ duty ahall receive the <br />maximum peneion eet out in the monthly benefit and lump eum eection abova. The computation vill aeeume <br />20 yeaze service unleae the member'e yeaze o£ eerviee are greater. Actual yeara of eervice or 20 yeaze, <br />whiehevez providee the higheat bene£it, will be ueed for compuYation purpoeee. <br />Membez's Death Whi1e Active <br />8ligibility - Spouee legally married to member at leaet one year before eeparation fmm eervice and <br />residing with member at the time of death. <br />Child - Onder the age o£ 18 and wae born within nine (9) montha aftez death o£ member. <br />aenefits <br />Spouse - Bntitled to l00& of benefite o£ member. <br />child - If a surviving epouee, there ia no additional benefit. If there ie vo aurviving epovae, loot <br />benefit to be ehared proraeing vith other eurviving childzen until the age of majority. <br />Vested De£erced <br />Muet be a member o£ the aeeociation Eoz ten (10) yeare and eerved tventy (20) yeare in the Roeeville <br />Fire �epaztment and aepara[ed before the age of fifty (50). DeEerral ie until a£ter the age o£ Eifty <br />(50) and regular bene£it reguiremente aze maC. <br />A variety o£ eigni£icant actuaria7 aeeumptione are ueed to date�ne the etandardized meaevre oE the <br />pension benefit obligation and theee aeeumptione are eu�arized below: <br />• The preaent value o£ future peneion paymente wae computed by ueing a diacount rate o£ five pezcent. <br />The diecount rate ie equal to [he eatimated long-texm sate of return on current and future inveetmente <br />of the penaion plan. <br />41 <br />