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CtTY OF ROSEYILLE <br />♦• • ♦:• • <br />• u : •• <br />Ziote t- Summarv of SignificantArc� mcin�PQiicies—continued <br />FiDUCIARY FUNDS <br />Agency funds - Agency Funds are used ro account for the assets held by the City in a trustee capaciry or as an agent for individuais, <br />private organizations, other governments, and/or other funds. The Ciry's Agency Funds are custalial in namre (assets equal liabilities) <br />and do not involve measurement of results of operations. <br />ACCOUNT GROUPS <br />The general fixed assets account group is used to account for fized assets no[ accounted for in proprietary or trust funds. The genetal <br />long-term debt account group is used to account for general long-term debt and certain other liabilities that are not specific liabilities <br />of proprietary or trust funds. <br />G Measurement Focus <br />The accounting and repotting treatment applied to the fixed assets and long-term liabilities associated with a fund aze determined by <br />its measurement focus. Governmental funds and Expendable Trust funds aze accounted for on a spending or "fmancial flow" <br />measurement focus. This means that only cunent assets and current liabilities aze generally included on their balance sheets. Their <br />reported fund balance is considered a measure of available spendable resources. Govemmental fund operating statements present <br />increases (revenues and other fmancing sources) and decreases (ezpenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingty <br />they ue said to presen[ a summary of sources and uses of available spendable resources during a period. <br />Fixed assets used in govemmental tund rype operations (general fixed assets) are accounted for in the General Fized Asse[s Accouc�t <br />Group rather [han in Govemmental Funds. Pubic domain general fixed assets consis[ing of cenain improvements other than buildings <br />including roads bridges curbs and gutters streets and sidewalks and lighting systems are capitalized along with other general fixed assets. <br />No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. <br /> liabilities expected to be financed from govemmental funds aze accoun[ed for in the General Long Term Debt Account Group <br />not in the govemmental funds. The account groups differ from "funds" in that they aze not involved with measurement of operations. <br />They are concemed only with the measurement of Financial position. <br />Noncurrent portions of long-term receivables due to govemmental funds aze reported on their balance sheets in spite of their <br />measurement focus. However special reporting treatments are used [o indicate in a govemmental funds that they should not be <br />considered "available spendable resources" since they do not represent net current assets. Recognition of revenues in these funds <br />represen[ed by noncurrent receivables are deferred until they become current receivables. <br />Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure recognicion for governmental fund rypes ezclude amounts represented by <br />noncurrent liabilities. Since they do not affect net current assets such long term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type <br />expendimres or fund tiabilities. They aze instead reported as ]iabilities in the General Debt Account Group. <br />Proprietary funds are accounted for on the flow of economic �esources measurement focus and use the accrual basis of accounting. <br />Under this method, revenues aze recorded when earned, and expenses aze recorded at the time liabilities are incurred. The Ciry applies <br />at] applicable FASB pronouncemenu in accounting and reponing for ics' proprietary operations. Proprietary funds include the enterprise <br />and internal service funds. <br />D. Basis of Accounting <br />The modified accrual basis of accounting is used by a govemmental fund rypes, and agency funds. Under the modified accrual basis <br />of accounting, revenues are recognized when susceptible ro accrual (ie., when they become both measurable and available). <br />30 <br />