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. :. <br />.. • .•. „ . <br />� � : .. <br />L�Io�eL- Summary of-SiBnifi�an[_Acc��g pol;cies�ontinued <br />"Measurable" means the amount of the transaction can be determined and "available" means collectible within the current period or soon <br />enough thereafrer to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. The city considers property taxes as available if they aze collected <br />within 60 days after year end. Ezpenditures ue recorded when the related fund liability is incurred. Principal and in[erest on general <br />long-term debt are rewrded as fund liabilities when due or when amounts have been accumulated in the debt service fund for paymen[s <br />to be made early in the following yeaz. <br />Those revenues susceptible ro accrual aze property taxes, special assessments, licenses, interest revenue and chazges for services. State <br />aids held by the state at year-end on behalf of the govemment also aze recognized as revenue. Fines and permits aze not susceptible <br />to accrual because generally they aze not measurable until received in cash. <br />The government repons deferred revenue on its combined balance sheet. Deferred revenues arise when a poten[ial revenue dces not <br />meet both the "measurable" and "available" criteria for recognition in the current period. Deferred revenues also azise when resources <br />are received by the government before it has a legal daim to them as when grant monies are received prior ro the incurrence of <br />qualifying expendinues. In subsequent periods when both revenue recognition criteria aze met or when the government has a legal claim <br />to the resources the liabiliry for deferred revenue is removed from [he combined balance sheet and revenue is recognized. <br />Expenditures are generally recognia,ed under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liabiliry is incurred ezcept <br />for principal and interest on general long-term debt which is recogni2ed when due and accumulated unpaid vacation and compensatory <br />[ime off which are recognized when paid. <br />The accrual basis of accounting is utilized by proprietary fund types. Under this method, revenues aze recorded when earned and <br />expenses are recorded at the time liabilities aze incurred. Unbilled utility service receivables aze recorded at year end. <br />E. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting <br />The City adopts an annual budget for the General and Special Revenue funds which are prepared on the modified accrual basis of <br />accounting. The adopted budget indicates the amount that can be ezpended by each fund based on detailed budget estimates for <br />individual expendinue accounts. Management may make budget modifications within the fund levei. All budget revisions at the fund <br />level must be authorized by the Ciry Council at the request of the City Manager. The Council under Minnesota State Starutes Section <br />412.731 can modify or amend the budget if unappropriated funds aze available. Budget modification at the fund level was necessary <br />in 1995 for the Communiry Development Fund and the License Center Fund. The amendments included increases of $125,000 and <br />�100,000 respectively. All supplemental appropriations are financed either by transfers from the Contingency Section of the Genecal <br />Fund budget or by revenues received in excess of the budgeted amounts. All budget amounts lapse at the end of the year to the extent <br />they have not been expended. The level which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations is at the fund level. <br />F. Assets, Liabili[ies and Fund Equity <br />InYestments - Ciry investments are carried at cost, which appro�mates mazket. ( See note 3 for disclosures relating ro cash management <br />and investments.) Investments reported in the deferred compensation plan are reported by the plan's [rustees at market value. <br />Properry_Taxes - Properry tax levies ue set by the City Council in December each year and are cenified to the Counry for collection <br />the following year. In Minnesota, counties act as collection agents for all property ta�ces. <br />The Counry spreads the levies over all taxable propetty in the Ciry. Such ta:ces become receivables of the City as of January I. Property <br />taxes are payable in equal installments by propeny owners to the County as follows: <br />Personal property - February 28 and June 30 <br />Real property - May 15 and October 15 <br />31 <br />