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. •• <br />. • .: „ . <br />�-�m��:�. � .. <br />L�Int� i_ S��mmar� of S'�cancAccQllnting�'olicie� - roncinued <br />Encumhzances - Encumbrances represent purchase commitments. Encumbrances outstanding at yeaz-end aze reported as reservations <br />of fund balances since they do not constimte expendirures or liabilities. <br />Vacaaon�Sick_and Compensatory�T me_Off__Pay - The Ciry compensates employees upon termination for unused vacation and <br />compensatory tune oK. Employees aze not compensated for unused sick pay upon termination of employment, except upon retirement, <br />at which time employees are entitled to one-half of their acwmulated leave up to one month's pay. Vacation and compensarory time <br />off aze accrued when eamed and sick pay is expensed when payment is made in the proprietary funds. Vacation, compensatory time <br />off, and sick pay aze recognized when payment is made in the govemmental funds. The noncurrent liabiliry for the govemmental funds <br />is reflected in the General Long-Term Debt Acwunt Group representing the City's commitment to fund such cosu from furure <br />operations. <br />CashFlows - For purposes of this statement, all highly liquid investments (including restricted assets) with a maturiry of ttuee months <br />or less when purchased are considered to be cash equivalents. <br />Claims - There aze a number of claims for worker's compensation and liabiliry damage in the internal service funds which have occurred <br />but have not yet been conveyed ro the Ciry on December 31 of each year. The Ciry prepazes an estimate of those ciaims based on <br />hisrorical information and subsequent events. The amount of the estunate is ezpeaced and shown as a current liability for the reporting <br />year. <br />PastRetiuement_Henefits - The City does not provide for employee post-retirement benefits. <br />G. Compuative Data <br />Comparative data for the prior year have been presented to provide an understanding of changes in the Ciry's financial position and <br />opera[ions. <br />H. Total Columns on Combined Statemeats <br />Total columns on the combined statements aze captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate they are presented only to facilitate financial <br />analysis. Data in these columns do not present fmancial position, results of operations, or cash flows in conformity with generally <br />accep[ed accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the <br />aggregation of this data. <br />Note 2_-_Eacpenditures_in Excess ofBudgeiand_Deficits_iaEundBalances <br />The Recreation Fund - expenditures ezceeded the 1995 budget by $224,095 and recreation revenues exceed budget by $93,955 resulting <br />in an increase in the fund deficit of $150,140. The Recreation Fund deficit as of December 31, 1995, totaled $1,966,538. <br />The Communiry Development Fund - expenditures exceeded the 1995 budget by $126,262. The excess expendirures were higher than <br />expected due ro an increase in operations. The Communiry Development Fund revenue was $544,183 in excess of the budgeted revenue <br />for 1995. <br />The License Cenrer Fund - 1995 expenditures exceeded budget by $90,668. The excess revenues for 1995 rotaled $11,158 resulting <br />in a net decrease in the fund balance of $79,510. The excess expenditures were higher than anticipated due to higher administrative <br />charges to the general fund. <br />The Charitable Gambting Fund - expenditures for 1995 exceeded budget by $11,144. 1995 revenues were $31,517 less than anticipated. <br />33 <br />