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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/31/2018 9:09:33 AM
Creation date
8/31/2018 9:06:02 AM
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Public Works Commission
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401 Member Joyce asked what kind of impact does that have on staff to monitor this <br />402 and make sure it is functioning. Mr. Culver stated during the actual PPA period the <br />403 developer or operator is responsible for all operations and maintenance. The City <br />404 would own the system but would be leasing to them, so they are responsible for the <br />405 O&M. There should be very little impact theoretically on his staff. After they own <br />406 it, they would have to enter into some sort of maintenance agreement for that which <br />407 would be included in the finances. <br />408 <br />409 Mr. Solem explained when they own a long-term power purchase agreement with <br />410 larger arrays, how much you pay is based on how much it produces. You only pay <br />411 for the energy it produces. When they model this, they model their own income off <br />412 it based off the array producing off peak power. If it is not producing exactly what <br />413 they say it is going to produce, then they are also losing money for both the small <br />414 and large arrays. <br />415 <br />416 Member Kors asked what kind of mechanical function the arrays have and if they <br />417 follow the sun. Mr. Chris Psihos (person from the audience) stated they sit at a <br />418 static ten -degree angle and from the ground they would sit at athirty-degree angle. <br />419 <br />420 Member Kors asked if there were variations depending on the time of year. Mr. <br />421 Solem stated they do not adjust any angle throughout the year. Production is <br />422 affected in the winter, but they do not change anything about the array. They are <br />423 essentially optimized for Spring, Summer and Fall production. <br />424 <br />425 Chair Cihacek asked if they never want to take ownership could they set up a long - <br />426 term capital lease program. Mr. Solem stated no matter what fee title owner day <br />427 one, but the lease could be run full term. Chair Cihacek stated one of their City <br />428 Councilmembers has stated the concern is the actual ownership because then they <br />429 must take care of it and get rid of the assets. In looking at that, he thought they may <br />430 want to review the way this is structured. <br />431 <br />432 Member Misra asked if there would be any other changes, such as landscaping, that <br />433 would need to be taken care of. Mr. Solem stated the only other possible issue <br />434 would be the ground outside of City Hall. They would want to position it in a place <br />435 where it is the most environmentally less invasive and to make sure the array is not <br />436 being shaded during the term of its life. <br />437 <br />438 Member Joyce asked about the reason for the ground mount system at City Hall. <br />439 Mr. Solem replied it was a way to maximize the energy production and savings at <br />440 City Hall. Mr. Culver stated Councilmember Willmus suggested it be placed on <br />441 the slope at City Hall which will help maximize the benefit of the arrays. <br />442 <br />443 8. Snow Event Parking Restrictions <br />444 Mr. Culver explained that at the May 14, 2018, Work Session, the City Council <br />445 discussed the possibility of modifying the current Snow Event Parking Restrictions <br />446 as set in City Code. This discussion was in response to some consistent complaints <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />
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