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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Councilmember McGehee thought what was needed was either a conditional use <br /> or something that guarantees the owner the use of his operation for ten years. <br /> Mr. Harvieux stated he has been holding off on signing a ten-year lease until this <br /> gets resolved. He stated his landlord is a very nice person, but he is also a busi- <br /> nessman and if there is an opportunity that comes along between now and when <br /> he signs, he will be out of business. He indicated he needs to have the ten years in <br /> order to operate. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if the council were to go forward and approve <br /> this text amendment and approve this Conditional Use , can they put in place a <br /> moratorium, so they have time to look at this issue going forward without the <br /> threat of other potential applications coming in for other sites. <br /> Mr. Lloyd indicated it should be the standard process, but he was not entirely sure <br /> on the process. <br /> Mr. Gaughan advised they could put together an Interim Ordinance subject to ap- <br /> proval by the Council and then they could have up to a year to study the issue. <br /> This would be an appropriate place, topic, and subject matter for a moratorium for <br /> the Council to sincerely study and consider the issue at hand. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked how that impacts the owner who wants to sign a <br /> ten-year lease. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it would grant him what he needs going forward. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated they need to be sure that they can still craft with- <br /> in the moratorium. <br /> Mayor Roe acknowledged that whatever they would be crafting would be appli- <br /> cable to future applications after the moratorium lifts. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte assumed there was not notification to all the Neighbor- <br /> hood Business district property owners indicating this was on the agenda. <br /> Mr. Lloyd stated that was correct. Per their standards for notification regarding <br /> zoning text amendments, that does not trigger notification to property owners or <br /> others surrounding those properties. There was notification for the conditional <br /> use application surrounding this location. <br /> Mayor Roe commented if the council does an Interim Ordinance and look at this <br /> more broadly they could certainly look at that kind of notice. If they are looking <br /> Citywide at all their zoning districts, that starts to be a lot of people to notice be- <br /> cause whatever was proposed tonight was to apply to all of the Zoning Districts <br />