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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Councilmember Etten understood Councilmember Willmus' point and reviewed <br /> some different areas in the City with different zoning that could have neighbor- <br /> hood business included. He stated there are a number of neighborhood standards <br /> that are different, and this is one that they could control based on the conditions <br /> included. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thought the entire discussion makes it clear that the <br /> council needs some time to think about the entire issue. She seconded the idea <br /> that they want to come up with something that allows Mudslingers to go forward <br /> without any interruption as they are currently operating but the problem the City <br /> has now is not one they created. They adhered to their Interim Use Permit, they <br /> have done very well there, and now the City has to do their job. She was trying to <br /> find a way that doesn't put them in limbo for the next sixty days while the City <br /> decides what to do. She stated she would like to have enough time to really ex- <br /> amine all of the issues brought up. <br /> Mr. Lloyd stated the interim use approval expires at the end of October. He be- <br /> lieved he heard there might be a possibility of adopting an extension to that inter- <br /> im use approval in the next couple of months but he did not think that was a prac- <br /> tical solution because much like the process of rezoning, the interim use approval <br /> process begins with the applicant holding an open house meeting prior to applying <br /> for the interim use approval to go to the Planning Commission public hearing and <br /> then the City Council for final action. He did not believe there was time between <br /> now and the end of October for those steps to be taken. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Written comments via e-mail/mailed were received prior to the meeting are in- <br /> cluded in the agenda packet. <br /> Mr. Van Harvieux, owner of Mudslingers <br /> Mr. Harvieux asked if the Council had any questions for him. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if Mr. Harvieux interpreted any differently some of the infor- <br /> mation that has been provided by City staff as to timing and process. <br /> Mr. Harvieux explained when they started the process of interim use it took him <br /> eight months to get the land opened up by the City to use as a drive-through. He <br /> stated they have now gone through the Planning Commission and ended up in the <br /> same spot. He stated his lease is coming up in a couple of months and he has a lot <br /> of debt if this all goes down, and if they do another interim use he cannot lock the <br /> land up in a long-term lease which means someone can buy the land up right un- <br /> der him. He stated this is terrifying and really disappointing. <br />