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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Councilmember Willmus acknowledged he was very supportive of Mudslingers. <br /> He thought they have been a great asset to the community and he did not want to <br /> see them put in jeopardy because they are having difficulty getting their stuff put <br /> together and he understood their plight. He will also be putting forward a motion <br /> to bring forward an Interim Ordinance to look at this issue of neighborhood busi- <br /> ness and drive-throughs going forward as soon as possible. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she too was very supportive of Mudslingers and <br /> was disappointed in the City that the owners have been put in this position and <br /> was also disappointed that the Planning Commission was also put in this position. <br /> She did not appreciate it and thought it was unfortunate it happened. She stated <br /> she would be supporting the moratorium because she thought it was an important <br /> issue across the City. She also, for the record, stated this is just like Fairview/D <br /> request for a tap room to the extent that the text amendment coming forward is <br /> tied to a particular entity asking for something that is not permitted in the code. <br /> She suggested that when text amendments are required/requested it would be <br /> much better if that issue were handled first so the Council did not have this kind <br /> of discussion. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated she would be supporting this. She agreed it is <br /> very unfortunate that they get to this point at the `midnight hour' and it is not the <br /> first time it has happened and that is on them. But, it is unfortunate that the busi- <br /> ness owners get caught up in that in the meantime. She stated she has heard for <br /> years in a variety of descriptive reasons depending on the project that Roseville is <br /> interpreted to be difficult to do business with and this kind of situation does not <br /> help change that. She stated she has been supportive of that particular use at that <br /> particular site but also for Council to look at the issue citywide with a moratorium <br /> so the entire community has a chance to weigh in on this because not everybody <br /> is necessarily paying attention to this property, this particular issue and this par- <br /> ticular request. <br /> Mayor Roe stated he was supportive of this motion, was closer to this point as <br /> they came into this, and appreciated Councilmember Willmus getting them to this <br /> point. He stated he understands the process has put these business owners in a <br /> difficult situation, but the Council is complaining about their own process they set <br /> up so there is only one entity to blame, the people sitting at the dais. It is not <br /> staff, not the applicants, not the businesses, it is the City Council. He stated it is <br /> up to the Council to make it work differently and if they are serious about separat- <br /> ing the text amendments from actions on specific properties, he did see some <br /> challenges that could make it very difficult to do business in Roseville. One issue <br /> is that they are slowing down the process which will make it more difficult to do <br /> business in Roseville. So while they are trying to accomplish one thing, they need <br /> to be cognizant of the unintended consequences. He stated he would support this <br /> motion to adopt the Ordinance Attachment F. <br />