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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 4 <br /> ness districts and then goes on to discuss specific design criteria for drive-through <br /> facilities. The ordinance amendment talks about the speaker box and not being a <br /> nuisance to abutting residential zoned properties and it talks about the one hun- <br /> dred feet from existing residentially zoned properties. He stated that back in the <br /> RCA,pages 3-4, there is a much longer list of standards for a conditional use for a <br /> drive-through facility that is used in other zones. He wondered if there was a rea- <br /> son why they would not have the entire list as part of this updated or change ordi- <br /> nance. <br /> Mr. Lloyd stated there was not and the proposal would not be to eliminate those <br /> other parameters. The ordinance is abridged to show only the parts being amend- <br /> ed. <br /> Councilmember Etten wanted to be sure the full text of conditions a-f would be <br /> included in the ordinance. <br /> Mayor Roe stated to be correct, those items are in the Code right now and the <br /> standards apply to drive-throughs in all zones and then adding them as condition- <br /> al uses in the neighborhood district. <br /> Mr. Lloyd indicated that was correct. <br /> Councilmember McGehee explained the Neighborhood Business zoning district <br /> covers fourteen different areas throughout the City and they are all in residential <br /> areas. Although she supports Mudslingers and the drive-through in that particular <br /> location, it does not mean she would support a drive-through elsewhere in the <br /> city. Therefore, she did not feel prepared to act on something that spreads across <br /> all fourteen of these Neighborhood Business areas. She noted the neighborhood <br /> where Mudslingers is located is a perfect spot because it is on and off the freeway <br /> and is a busy intersection anyway. She supports a drive-through there. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee indicated she looked at the MN Statutes, which govern <br /> them, and also in the League of Minnesota Cities and there is no particular time <br /> limit established for interim use permits so the City has arbitrarily come up with a <br /> three- and a five-year limit. She wondered if it is not better practice to handle this <br /> particular case, which is unique and the City has done their due diligence by do- <br /> ing an interim that works. She stated because Mudslingers was looking for a ten- <br /> year lease, she would be inclined to approve a guarantee of a renewal, absent any <br /> complaints in the next five years or a ten-year interim use barring they decide to <br /> come up with a different idea or something else happens. Then we do not have a <br /> drive-through there going forward for a completely different use that we may not <br /> want there. Also, then this drive through use would not be approved across all of <br /> the City. <br /> Councilmember McGehee commented if the Council does decide to do the text <br /> amendment, then she thought they needed to look carefully where all of these <br />