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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 6 <br /> drive-throughs as conditional uses would continue to conform to that part of the <br /> code and be allowed without further review. <br /> Mr. Gaughan referenced current Condition C on page 4 of the RCA, "The appli- <br /> cant shall submit a circulation plan that demonstrates that the use will not inter- <br /> fere with or reduce the safety pedestrian and bicyclist movements. Site design <br /> shall accommodate a logical and safe vehicle and pedestrian circulation pattern. <br /> Adequate queuing lane space shall be provided without interfering with onsite <br /> parking/circulation." By way of example, he would encourage the Council, if <br /> there are particular concerns about drive-throughs and this kind of use, condition- <br /> al as it is, then explore that. In regard to additional concerns and how can they <br /> place additional conditions to alleviate those concerns, he would submit Condi- <br /> tion C as a starting point for those kinds of concerns. <br /> Mr. Gaughan stated as opposed to an indefinite interim use, he would encourage <br /> the Council to look at what are their specific concerns about this sort of use and <br /> what sort of conditions would best alleviate those concerns. If Council is not in a <br /> position to arrive at a conclusion there, then maybe they don't amend the Code. <br /> Mayor Roe specified if a change to the layout of the site was pursued by someone <br /> down the road, either the current ownership or subsequent ownership, was Mr. <br /> Gaughan suggesting that alone could trigger a review or a new approval require- <br /> ment for a conditional use? <br /> Mr. Gaughan advised that condition could include additional language such as <br /> "The applicant shall submit and adhere to a circulation plan", so if there is any <br /> deviation from the original circulation plan, it would trigger review by the City. <br /> Whereas if the new circulation does interfere with or reduce safety of pedestrian <br /> and bicyclist movements, then the City would have a basis to say the conditions <br /> upon which this use is granted are not being satisfied and the conditional use <br /> could be revoked. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if the council could be reminded of the specific conditions as- <br /> sociated with the interim use approval. <br /> Mr. Lloyd explained he did not attach the original interim use approval,but he did <br /> indicate in the beginning of the staff report three conditions that were applied to <br /> that interim use approval. He noted the site used to have four entrances and exits, <br /> two from Lexington and two from County Road B. The two nearest the intersec- <br /> tion, one on each street, required to be closed. The parking on the property was <br /> going to be limited to employees and not to customers and there was also an expi- <br /> ration clause. <br /> Councilmember McGehee acknowledged she was going to disagree with the at- <br /> torney. She did not see anywhere in any of the Statutes that regulate interim use <br />