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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/13/2018 3:07:36 PM
Creation date
9/13/2018 3:07:30 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2018 <br /> Page 7 <br /> policy anything that there is any problem with an indefinite, in the extent that they <br /> could grant a ten-year interim use. The other thing is, her main objection to this <br /> idea of doing it across the City is it does, by definition, invite more traffic into <br /> residential neighborhoods that might not go there. This was a neighborhood busi- <br /> ness and was supposed to be for the neighbors and not necessarily for everyone. <br /> She stated if they look at all the letters from Mudslingers, there are a number of <br /> people who are on their way here and there and do not live by there, but they use <br /> it. The fact is that this particular corner is a very popular route, both North and <br /> South and East and West, which is not true of some of the other corners. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated one of the things they could look at doing that <br /> they have done in other designations throughout the City and other zoning desig- <br /> nations, is to create a Neighborhood Business 2. One of the parameters for that <br /> may be geographical proximity to single-family or medium-density residential or <br /> lack of proximity. Maybe, also look along certain corridors or larger roadways <br /> and allow this either as a permitted use within a Neighborhood Business 2 desig- <br /> nation, of which he thinks Mudslingers current property would fall, or as a condi- <br /> tional use. He indicated he did share concerns of looking at and changing this to a <br /> conditional use City wide. He did recognize the value of this business and how <br /> well it has worked within this site and thought what makes it work is some of the <br /> features that are existing on the site and a handful of other sites throughout the <br /> community but not all of the neighborhood zone. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked if the Council is not ready to work on the zoning <br /> text amendment part of this item, does that preclude them from taking up the con- <br /> ditional permit request on the second part of this. <br /> Mayor Roe did not think they could take action on the second part if it is not al- <br /> lowed and would stay as not permitted until such time as the council change that. <br /> He thought the appropriate action, if they do not do the text amendment, would be <br /> to deny because it has been applied for in order to keep it clean. <br /> Mr. Gaughan explained this is a request related to zoning, so they would have to <br /> provide written notice of the denial to the applicant with the basis for that action. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked if there is an ability to change any of the condi- <br /> tions that were in the original interim use. <br /> Mr. Gaughan indicated only if there were some sort of amendment or extension of <br /> the interim use could the existing conditions be changed. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the conditions of the interim use expire at the end of October so <br /> if they were to extend, they could add whatever conditions they might want to <br /> through an extension. <br />
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