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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 27,2018 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe indicated they could extend this with the applicant's approval. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted this is something they have talked about fre- <br /> quently and is problematic. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked staff how long the process would take if they <br /> were to look at creating a Neighborhood Business 2 Zoning designation. <br /> Mr. Lloyd explained the first step in the process would be for staff to hold an <br /> open house meeting with property owners and surrounding neighborhood busi- <br /> nesses, as they have done with the potential changes in the Comprehensive Plan <br /> designations over the last year. Then there would be a public hearing at the Plan- <br /> ning Commission and City Council action. That would probably be a three- <br /> month endeavor if the direction was given today to work through that process. <br /> Ms. Collins thought some of the concerns revolve around what happens to the site <br /> should the use intensify. Whether that be an intensification or a change to the <br /> queue lane, or intensification to the structure; however, they could build in a con- <br /> dition as a part of a conditional use process or approval that says any sort of inten- <br /> sification to the use shall trigger a review by staff or a new conditional use appli- <br /> cation process. <br /> Mr. Gaughan explained the Council can, as long as there is a rational basis for it, <br /> include whatever conditions they would like. It is best to have the conditions <br /> spelled out in Code so that could be a part of the amendment to this portion of the <br /> Code, language to that effect. <br /> Mayor Roe stated there are a couple of paths the Council could go down to amend <br /> the interim use approval standards process that would allow for an extended time <br /> of interim use approval. He personally thought there were some potential pitfalls <br /> to that which he is a little concerned about. Or they could take a pause in the pro- <br /> cess of looking at this conditional use and add further condition language that the <br /> Council may suggest and come back with language that would involve some ex- <br /> tension of the sixty-day period. Potentially, the process is still running up against <br /> the end of October deadline for interim use. The other possibility is to look at the <br /> Neighborhood Business 2 district creation, which he was not one hundred percent <br /> sure is the cleanest and best approach, because then they get into the process of <br /> deciding which ones are or are not and there are small little clusters of properties <br /> around the City already that he did not have a clear understanding of how that <br /> might work. He stated it might be better to get stringent with the conditions if <br /> they wanted to go that way. The third option is to leave it not permitted. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if there was a desire by the Council to look at something that <br /> was a little more permanent and also put in the necessary safeguards, which they <br /> want to put into any District, and especially if it is in a neighborhood. He thought <br />