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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 10 <br /> they should try to find something that works well in all of the drive-through situa- <br /> tions because they have such a mix of types of zoning districts that are adjacent to <br /> single family. <br /> Councilmember McGehee declared she was not a fan of drive-throughs in the first <br /> place but happens to support this one in this particular location. She stated one <br /> thing the Council could do is simply follow their own rules, do a five-year interim <br /> now, and then it is very clear in all of the interim use language that if a problem is <br /> solved during that time then it goes in. That gives them at least some guarantee of <br /> going forward and gives the City adequate time to have the meetings, if they want <br /> to, with all of the neighborhood businesses and get a much better grasp of what <br /> goes on in these other neighborhood business districts. That is another proposal <br /> she would like to see them do as it gives them time to do a fair and reasonable <br /> job. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated the council cannot approve an interim use tonight because <br /> there was not one applied for. The only thing that was applied for is a conditional <br /> use approval, so Mudslingers would have to submit an application for an interim <br /> use, go through the hearing process, and bring it back. <br /> Councilmember Etten affirmed he did not dismiss that thought because it is some- <br /> thing that could work for them, but it is a lot of extra steps. He stated he was go- <br /> ing to agree to what Mayor Roe suggested. One of the reasons he struggles with <br /> this is there is going to be maximum control by the City for any property. In <br /> Community Business Districts, they already have drive-throughs abutting single <br /> family and residentially zoned properties. This is not a new thing and does not <br /> change the issues they might have in any one of the Community Business District <br /> properties. He did not think this was such a revolutionary idea and he would be <br /> happy to ask for sixty days more to work through a suggestion such as offered by <br /> Ms. Collins. He did not think there was concern about this throughout the City. <br /> He thought the impacts on the neighborhood are the same as in other districts and <br /> he felt the conditions they have in place address that. The council could add an- <br /> other condition regarding changes to intensification and safety. He did not be- <br /> lieve this was a huge change to what is going on now. <br /> Councilmember Willmus did not think the residents who live next to Har Mar and <br /> the residents that live in proximity to Mudslingers are going to feel the same <br /> about businesses next to residential. There is a difference between the two and if <br /> there isn't, then why do they have the designation and separation in the first place. <br /> He stated one of the things he wants to come away with is to make sure they are <br /> not impeding Mudslingers and that they can continue their operations as they have <br /> been. He would like to keep things relatively clean, which is why he was going to <br /> continue to advocate for looking at a Neighborhood Business 2 zoning district <br /> designation with some very clear parameters spelled out for those areas. <br />