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<br />Continuation,Meeting,June lst,1948 <br /> <br />001 <br /> <br />Rule 11.Questions Put In Crèer..A.ll questions shall be put in the orÓer <br />in w'lich they were mat'e except in CR::oes of pri vileged question~. <br /> <br />Rule 12.Reconsiàeration.~hen ~ ~ucstion has been voted upon,it shall be <br />in order for allY member to move a reconsideration at the same <br />''LeeUrlg or at the next regular ;i1eeting folIo-wing. <br /> <br />Rule 13.Name of member of Council on ordinances or resolutions.Xo ordinance <br />or rCêOTut~on E:h211 be read before tho:; Council unless the same be <br />introducec1 b,y and be8r the name of some member of the Council. <br /> <br />Rule lL¡.Clerk shall inform officerc. Members of the councilor of the Committee <br />thereof as well as other o:.ficers of the Village shall be kept informed <br />by the Clerk of such dutie~ as they may he charged with by the Council <br />from time to time.He shall perform such other duties as appertain to <br />his position 8.ê Clerk. The Clerk shall fOee that no journal records or <br />papers are taker) from the table or out of his custod~r other than as <br />.iWY be rec->...ired b~/ the :'8gular Co:.mcil r:rocedure or by a Councilman, <br />anè an;y Councilman receiving 2.ny record or paper from the Clerk, shall <br />leave a receipt therefor. If any paper or document in hÜ, charge should <br />be missed,thf; Clerk shall report the :A.ct to the pref'iding officer <br />so that the paper may be recoverèd and its loss inc:uired i~1to. <br /> <br />:-~ule 15.ordinances and Hesolutions.It shall be tho duty of the village attorney <br />to prepare all ordinances and resolutions on request of any councilman. <br />No orèinance sh2,ll be introduced until it has so been appro'Ted as to <br />form ::"y the Village AttoBney. <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />Rule 16.Rulçs of order. The rul,"s 0: p2rliaQentary practice embraced in ROBERTS <br />Rulës of oiëIë'r shall govern the Council procedure in case to which <br />~ãrEarpEcable f'..I1d to which they are not inconsistent with <br />standing rules or order ::nd business of the Council. <br /> <br />Rde 17.Susnension of rules. no n:le of the Council shall be suspended without <br />the" concurrence of Lt members of the Council. <br /> <br />Rule la.Order of business.The following shall be the order of busines~ of the <br />Council: <br /> <br />l.Reading of the minutes. <br />2.Public hearings. <br />3 Petitions,applications and coramunications to the Council. <br />h.Reports of standing cor~ttees. <br />5.Reports of special committees. <br />6.Reports from officers of the Village. <br />7.Unfinished business from preceding sessions in order in which it <br />was introduced. <br />8.New business embracing resolutions anò other matters offered for the <br />consideration of the Council provided the canvassing of returns of <br />elections,the election and confirmation of officers and appointement <br />of standing committees shall supersede all other bueiness and provided <br />further that at a special session of the Council called for a particulé'x <br />object or purpose,no business shall be transacted by the Council not <br />connected with such special object or purpose except by unanimous <br />consent of all members of the Council. <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />----.-- --------- <br /> <br />:.~ <br />