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<br />008 <br /> <br />CnLIlLi:::¡:,icn,1:2~til:6 June lst,191¡8 <br /> <br /> introduced the following ré;solut::,o:1 c)esignating bank for deposit~ <br />of funès of the V~11.ag8 ón8 J~ved ths adoption therecf,secünded by Cerlson. <br />Holl call: A;yes-(S;),:\;é<YS-(O) <br /> <br />ìVHEREAS, th·? Treasurr,r of the Villag~' of Roseville has requested <br />in writing thd :,he Council designate depositaries for funds of <br />the Village of RcsGville, <br />RESOLVED that the; St.Anthon;)t Fark State Bank of St.Faul,Uinnesota, <br />be and is ~:er.:;t.y designated as the depos5- tar) for func's of the <br />Villa[2 of ~\.osevil18, 'lpon sHic' bank furnishing bond or securities <br />as required b~' lavr.Said bom1 or securities to be $16,000.00 ane' <br />approved by the Village COlmcil. <br />BE IT FURTHER resol vsd "},a 'NiLlJ:'2ivalE Gi' "aid :unds :naJr be made <br />upon signature cf Frank Leinen,Village Treasurer. <br /> <br />Tte corrrp3nsaticn of ";':';12 'iillage officers was dicusseè.U¡.;.eller moved,seconded <br />b:' hamr:1ersten that the follo-.dng be paid: <br />VillaGe Prcsident $50.00 per month, Trustees 35.00 per month <br />'lillage Clerk ~lOO.OO per sŒ1th,Village Treasurer 1;.35.00 per month. <br />Roll call: A;Ycs-(;; ), iJé'.;;; ;;:-( 0) . <br /> <br />:.1t...e11er introduced the following resolution J'or comncnse.ticn Cl the VillAgO <br />At',;,():'~c2:- Ecnd '¡Javed ti18 adortiol1 th2:teof ,seconJed by HOJTlmerstcn.Ro11 call: <br />1.:;:":5-(5 ),;:2YE:-(O). <br /> <br />',r¡{i:REAS, the Council of tLe V illage of RosevilJ.c findf' that it <br />is necessary to af;pdnt a Village attorne~r; <br />EESOLVED, that Irp. Karon b<; emploY8d aE the Village .lI.ttorneJ' for <br />the Village of Roseville and thé't he be paid the sum of $100.00 <br />per 1;jcnth. <br />ilesol v8d f-c:rther, that this resolution she.ll effect and be <br />in force fror;¡ ffild after its passage. <br /> <br />Mlleller introdllced the follo~ing resolution on membership in the League of <br />~¡mesota Municipalities and moved the adoption thereof,seconded by Carlson. <br />Roll call :Ayes-( 5), Hays-( 0). <br /> <br />Resolved that the Village of Roseville (1948 Pop.4589) join the <br />League of Ilinnesota Municipalities and pay the required annual <br />dues in the sum of $112.00 for the year beginning J~'1e lst,1948 <br />e.nd ending Augllst 31,1949. <br /> <br />Ham:mersten moved, seconded by pothen to reconsider the ordinance regulating <br />the sale of non-Intoxicating Malt liquor within the Village of RO:'3eville. <br />Roll Call:Ayes(5),Nays(0). <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />nammerstcn moved,Mueller seconded to make the following changes: <br />Change Section.] to read $35.00 for on sale license and $10;00 <br />for off sale beer license. <br />Strike out Section 11 lli'1d renumbered the òt'fuèrsBçtions.·.which follow. <br />Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nay~-(0). <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded by Hammersten to instruct the Village Attorney to <br />consult with the County Auditor in order to obtain some funds in advance <br />of the next distrihution of money to the Village of Roseville. <br />Roll call:Ayes-(5),Naye-(0). <br /> <br /> <br />