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<br />--~ .<""-~--~--'-~'- <br /> <br />009 <br /> <br />Continuation of weeting of June Ist,1945 <br /> <br />The qL:estion of grô.ding SHEYER Ave(between Fernwood and Hamline) <br />and RYAN Ave(betwcen Harnline and Snelling aves) came up for discUEsion. <br />The Township of Rose had advertised for bids to grade the above two <br />streets and bids ~Jere to be opened the latter part of Æay.The Village <br />Attorney,Ira Karon was asked for an opinion as to whether or not these <br />bids could le¿ally be accepted by the Village.His opinion was that they <br />could not be accepted by the Village.If it appears that the cost of <br />grading these streets 'dill exceed $500.00 each,:.tìm.t the Village will have <br />to readvertise for bids. <br /> <br />Mueller they¡ moved, seconded by pothen that the E'treets referred to,namel~r: <br />Ryan Ave(between Hamline ~ld Snelling) ~1d Shryer Ave(between Fernwood and <br />Hamline)should be graded and that the Clerk be in~tructed to advertise for <br />bids to be opened at the meeting of Jul;y 6th,1948 at 2 0 I clock in the <br />Village hall.Roll call:~Tes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />The clerk read a petition sub~itt8d b~' Oscar Gottfried,for the rezoning <br />of t~p following described property: <br /> <br />\I The South fset of t;le 'Nest 433 feet of <br />11 the Southwest .~. of the Southeast l,section <br />II l5,Township 29,Range 2J,except Harnline Ave <br />II and except that part thereof already in a <br />It business dÜ:trict. <br />to be zoned from Residential District to Busine2s District. Membrez warned <br />the Council members that this matter of re~oniY1g the above property had <br />been submitted to the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Rose less than <br />a year ago and that there was strenuous opposition by the property owners <br />adjoining this property.At that time,the request for rezoning was the entire <br />length of the block between Larpenteur Ave and Garden Ave. As a result, the <br />Board of Supervisors of the Town of Rose denied the re~oning. <br /> <br />The present rcquest to the Villahe Council is only 400 fcet from Larpenteur <br />to the North.l.'iueller imìicated that he wanted to see the propcrty befO!'e <br />accepting the petition.Hammersten moved,seconc1ed by Pothen to lay the <br />matter over to the next meeting.Roll=call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />The c¡erk presented an application from Oscar Gottfried to sell cigarettes <br />from June lst,1948 to June 30th,1948 at the root beer stand located at <br />Hamline and Larpenteur Wllich hA operates. Mueller moved, seconded by <br />pothen to approve application and issue a license to Mr. Gottfried. <br />Roll call:AJTes-(5),Na~s-(O). <br /> <br />Mueller moved,seconded ~T pothen to aàjourn the meeting at 5:45 P.M. <br />Roll call:~Tes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />~~_PreBident <br /> <br />