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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
11/29/2018 10:49:01 AM
Creation date
11/29/2018 10:46:26 AM
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Public Works Commission
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443 created the more the sewer system will be taxed. She asked if those were factors <br />444 the Commission could start to look at and address. <br />445 <br />446 Mr. Freihammer stated staff does try to project some of that and do show an <br />447 increase in the capital side. He thought staff should show more information with <br />448 the Commission on how staff comes up with capital costs. Staff does show costs <br />449 of repairs and storm water clean up costs and do show increases going into the <br />450 future and that is being projected. <br />451 <br />452 Chair Cihacek thought the concern comes in knowing that the money was not <br />453 being invested early in the life of the infrastructure so now the City is playing <br />454 catch up in some of these cases. That means the City needs more capital faster <br />455 which is why the numbers look relatively small over the years. He thought there <br />456 were a lot of things the City would like to do which would cost millions of dollars <br />457 and those numbers are not being represented either. He thought the numbers <br />458 looked conservative in relation to what needs to be done. <br />459 <br />460 Mr. Freihammer thought the Commission would like to see a slightly higher rate <br />461 increase to provide for a higher future balance. <br />462 <br />463 Chair Cihacek thought the Commission would make that recommendation. <br />464 <br />465 6. Complete Streets Policy <br />466 Civil Engineer Luke Sandstrom provided a brief review and update on projects <br />467 and maintenance activities listed in the staff report dated October 23, 2018. <br />468 <br />469 Chair Cihacek stated some of these items are fairly specific so he asked what the <br />470 reason was for the policy generally as opposed to when the City does projects to <br />471 include the information in the specifications. <br />472 <br />473 Mr. Freihammer indicated the City does not have a policy and staff would like to <br />474 do this for the City Green Steps but a lot what is in the policy the City already <br />475 does but it is not formally stated. The policy is trying to incorporate everything in <br />476 a policy. He indicated the Commission did previously go through a couple of <br />477 drafts in 2012 but with the turn over in members and staff and the Council he <br />478 thought this fell through the cracks and never ended up with the City Council for <br />479 review and approval. <br />480 <br />481 Mr. Sandstrom stated he went to training on this a couple of weeks ago and a <br />482 representative from MNDot talked about how the State has this policy and put it <br />483 in place since 2012 and the way MNDot tracks it is whenever a project comes <br />484 through there is a check list for evaluation of items that need to be included or <br />485 reviewed for the project to move forward. He thought a policy would allow the <br />486 City to show the public that everything is being evaluated with each project and <br />487 there is some sort of work to show that it has all been evaluated with reasons why <br />Page 11 of 15 <br />
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