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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 14, 2019 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Etten, Laliberte, Groff and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Consider Adoption of Water Supply Plan <br /> Civil Engineer Luke Sandstrom briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the <br /> RCA and related attachments dated January 14, 2019. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked if it always takes this long to get a water supply <br /> plan. <br /> Mr. Sandstrom stated Roseville is a little unique because the City does not have a <br /> water appropriation permit with the DNR because the City does not produce wa- <br /> ter, the City buys the water from St. Paul. He stated Roseville's plan got lumped <br /> with St. Paul and all of their communities as well for review, so it has taken years <br /> of back and forth discussion, editing, and revisions with the DNR. He noted Ro- <br /> seville had to wait until everyone was done that was tied to that permit. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted the first page of the RCA mentions there is a critical <br /> water deficiency ordinance that the City does not have to do because the City is <br /> through St. Paul Water. He wondered what that does. <br /> Mr. Sandstrom stated it is mostly for a drought condition. If the Governor de- <br /> clares a draught condition, then there are requirements by ordinance that would go <br /> into place. He thought when the ordinance would go into place, the plan lays out <br /> the top ten users that would be approached for water conservation and there also <br /> could be irrigation limits on use of water. The ordinance outlines a lot of things. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if the City Staff has identified who the top ten users are in the <br /> City. <br /> Mr. Sandstrom confirmed that staff has identified those users. <br /> Mayor Roe stated there was an article in the paper over the last few days about a <br /> creative reuse program for a car wash in Minneapolis and it might make sense to <br /> talk to the high commercial users about the businesses looking at ways to reduce <br /> usage and reuse on the commercial side of things. He noted it was mentioned this <br /> will go into the Comprehensive Plan and asked if this was incorporated entirely <br /> into the Comprehensive Plan as a document or is this referenced. <br /> Mr. Sandstrom believed this will be an appendix of the Comprehensive Plan. It is <br /> referenced in the Water Resource Plan but will be in the appendix. <br /> Laliberte moved, Etten seconded, adoption of the Roseville Water Supply Plan. <br />