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<br />29 <br /> <br />'¡ILIAC:: CCL:ì;CIL CF R05::l!.'ìJIIJLZ <br />\;eet:'ng, Tuesday, Ccto 1Jer 5t:l,19:;.: <br /> <br />~+ ':": T'~f <br />c~.... _ '';.. <br /> <br />--~-------_._------------------------------------ <br /> <br />'Y~'le ~I::'113.b8 COl;.r'i(~il ;:12t G~-: -'~tcJ C;)C"IoTC d2te in ~-j(l~~ c~,~rn¿~d re~ulélr <br />se~· ~1 on v.:i th th~ f;1.~'::nL :~e::lberE rr'2E en t: I,,·:ue 11. el', J ~e,n1G"8:::) Pot11en, Carl~? 0:1 <br />Ea';l,ler s "t,eIl. Ir'a ~(.:,rcn Y.-c..~ al.=::) preE 8n.1~. _ ~1..~e 11 PI' ~,rc5ic~e(~. <br /> <br />The :;';1¿;:'~ :..~~s( ~:,ll::; ~.~~~-~;;S -:J: -+:,:1:S ~:~·ev~.,o1..~S ='je\'~-~i:~G ~~,!' <br /> <br />.-,n" Orl ---oti U"l" 1,)-, ',;;,-¡ ",Y' C"-',-,' """C' '-, <br />c;L¡..l.-...... - 4." _ . '¥c,I J~_L~_,~,-.,-,-.~-- )"'-''-''-- ~J '-'.... . -c.' <br />w r' 1 ç ~ ' "L" S () r" "..,. ( " ) <br />~~u 1 c...J....J-:l1.c.:;{j..-/:J...j,l.!d~ìi::;-\''-}. <br /> <br />~:¿::,r~I;~eY'.ste!l ·t~he2) \Iere 3f:t=rc\:(;c1 2.P read. <br /> <br />L!r.Pi:-;Ler,:.r.Eæ~sen ü"lc' Jr.l:cKEY a;);.::~¿r,.,c1 >'¡iel û, !'etition [me! <br />requesteè the Council to VéCé'te [?rt. of a 1'02(: in RidE,3':,-cod Lane in !!usb~, IS <br />Addition. The land involyed Y,2S tC' ~>2 r'eÔic;;":ec: for :' p12:rbrounc:~C):' chilc'ren. <br />þ.s the petition \\'(JP not :,'_'1¿:(~E: ~_n the ~~r~)per f,~)~':"'r·;,the¿¡ -dC~":-? .~(>Iié·e,:-' ::.c ~L~l'-:i=-t <br />2 reV'ì8eci rìeti t.ion )-Je: 01'(: ~.:le CCJ.r~_ci.l C Ol..1,·_1 ttlke ,~J'~:,T r:r:~ :::"C~1. <br /> <br />v¡a~ <br /> <br />The folloYiin¿ \\o:'~c <br />instructad ~G do it: <br /> <br />-¡':':"iC <br />.. '-..... <br /> <br />ore <br /> <br />:: ':: c- <br /> <br />done <br /> <br />aIle <br /> <br />.....T ()'-.~' <br /> <br />;.: c ~,~ J ~k' J ,::02~'< <br /> <br />('v':.;!'":-~~~ri <br /> <br />Re[ Count~r :..J..C2(: C.: J ;~'~'¡'/Nt:"e~'j \..:} ~\;·e12.r;(: }\vc ¿:L,",..r; ::::¿>,J\~}2r <br />Grê.Jin6 of ~:J~,r~t:~t~:'~':i~! ~ose1.¿._wn T:) ~~J,"an ~\.ve[;. <br />Gral"1~lb Skill~úæl ..:;"le,.fr,'j~~J 7c'r~'Jv'iCCC~, 3·:~:'~'-i..:t 22'J f(...:e~c, ·,:le2t. <br />HepéJi.:-' .cla~~~^>':'i1b-;~Cn .',¡,:-,:r:-: ;~\,)Y'~,h of i-~·:'_ï..c.r ~.J:. <br /> <br />~r.J.:"cc rf~c~usf'ted pfJr:1ii:j~)iGn <br />;~lL~out a jcnd of ~~COO.80. The CO~Dc~l <br />the COuJJcil to zC:-uJ some pro;'::cty fro::: <br />file 11is ¡Jetition i!1 t}l~ ~rrper S2nJ:e~ <br /> <br />::;, i~tlstall ',\ié+",L~r lir-:e ~1:-1cer ~fal'I2I'L S.¡.~ <br />r'2,~ 2C.t~Ô :'"L~ <:: 1;3(" 1J.¡-~~:t. ::e alf,'o Y';1::~"C'(: <br />?e~~Je~1ti21 A to 3.~I2 '~··a5 l~~Or!;le'Jtc <br />80 ~.,hê:t 311 ~~t:?arin.b COllld be c?,lJJ-;,c~. <br /> <br />~¡erman H.?1'2nSen sub:ni+. ted ;; <br />changed to SaI:èhurst 1,2ne.I'r.lra I(:],rcrr <br />and report 2,t next neetin¡:.;. <br /> <br />petitiarr orderinG the nane of Her~pn st <br />WeE recU':c'ted to chf~ck on procedure <br /> <br />The plat COj~r:1issi:~,n subl1i +'ted KRn:::ss PLAT :0'1" reCOID.11endations. <br />Hammersten ;noved,secondec5 ,:~c C&rlson tc' accept :¡::lat 32 subraittec1.Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />Mucller,Pr'3sìèent Sùbmitted the follO''.Ün¿; '¡2J.1es to serve on the <br />Board of Health for the erJ8UÜ16 ~'e<,r: <br />Dr.Duan R.AusffiBn, Chc:irl!lan <br />E.J.Auge,18ó5 Western Ave <br />George A.Cook,SnellinG Curve and County Road C. <br />Hembrez moved, seconded b~T Eammersten to accept the p!'esident IS <br />recommenèation.Roll call :A~ies-(5) ,n2YS-( 0). <br /> <br />w. <br />íJ. <br /> <br />Hammersten ;'loved,seconded b~r C;:¡ylson to accept Highway Ease.¡¡(;nt <br />fImIP. Walter E.O'brien beinG part of Co.Road D,described as- follmv~: <br />"the North ~3 feet of the 7iest200 feet of the JJorthrest '~ of the <br />II~TorthcRa'" " c::ect 4 m 29"T -R""lce ')3';' exc"'pt tl-- ,.,'t Part 4, "'-en POY' <br />..-1 ... '-'~ v 4'....... ., .:.. . J.'t, ..:JI.è tJ '- h, ... ..... -' ·,de:.;. 1;-'. .J Jc.~.Ù. d. .... ~ <br />IIFairvíew Ave. <br /> <br />1¡1r.lra Karon reported th8t contract for brsdine; Shr~'er Ave by. <br />:':.S.;der¿;ens éJt the cost of 1,620.70 cculè 1cball~- be paiò.Muelle'" !r:oved, <br />seconded by pot hen to authorize paY!:lent of the abov9 cont.ract .Roll Ce.ll: <br />"\Y85-( 5 ), Nays-( 0). <br />