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<br />-r,. <br />..L... <br />',betl' n ~ ""e'C?"" Î;ctnbe~e'tn , JI(~ <br />.,.c.:. '~"'bJ ....\,......;;1-><,..(..,'-1,/: ~'" ...; ..... ",' '..'-1..,-'-... -,"- <br /> <br />-------------------------------------- <br /> <br />:1ð <br /> <br />'::'1:e :£.'ollcw:ifJb >,!ill:" Ì'vere rres~nteè £'or pa~'¡r.ep.t.F'othen moved, <br />C8"0r:U'Cd.' ]')'T "u...J''''r t',~ ~..t'hor;~e +h~ ~..,,,'eer:t 0... c""'e POll "-']'A'-oc; (C) <br />..... ......'.. . ...ì L~ __...l,.... ~v "v.;.. .........; v.--..ç 1Jc:;-~~' .1 ~ í,-, ..... '-..("":'Ja .~... ........L '-.-__,·J.t. -. . _\(...,~_- ;1 J <br /> <br />ray-['-( C). <br /> <br />Carrier Bros. <br />~TO~ 'N.l~o(Üska <br /> <br />4.27 <br />37.50 <br />7.S0 <br />. 24.oc <br /> <br />~?c. Gllli¿;0v¡ <br />Joe Tl'.Koúlsk.s , <br />I'-:2ry Jap.e 'Srren . <br />?r2.nk I!c·ir~C'n <br />:= .l~. I-IB;[~¡!:erp ten <br /> <br />Je~ L. Ster10 S~r\ricc <br />l?reÔ D. ~.'Iright <br />::arr:? CFL':~lEon <br />Nic C:'othen <br />320.lrenbrez <br />TI. J. Woll <br />William EalJ'er <br />ßorthwestern Eell <br />II II <br /> <br />3 ~ . c-~ <br />35.00 <br /> <br />:r:ra Karon . <br /> <br />.35.0() <br />30.00 <br />12.00 <br />35.0') <br />35.00 <br />. lOO.C'2 <br /> <br />Wm.A. ~,jDeller ~O. 00 <br />:Üne Safety Appli2,j¡. Co134. b2 <br /> <br />.100.:)(' <br />16J.2C <br /> <br />'l'tÜ.10.J5 <br />!f 1:~o,~-2 <br /> <br />.I .l·~ . Ei~ Tn c ~{ . . . <br />l-,fG}.? f?per Co . <br />~::..rl PeE Lé?l.:r~i_ er:=3, <br /> <br />.ìlcrt¡-.;.e2:"'""; St2tf;S FOìver 1.~,O <br /> <br />SLF'2cl I,eGal L~:c\,;er <br />II II " <br /> <br />3t.Fa~1 LeG~~ Le~6er <br />If II n <br /> <br />9.::'C' <br />3.9S <br />361. =>= <br /> <br />'<in:l. Fire S-x:t. CC <br />\..J~;O. ~.:c.J~-'r~.:;~, <br /> <br />.~'.:iltc'n :::CJLnc1~lcT1 <br /> <br />62.00 <br /> <br />6.03 <br />-I C::<. C)P. <br />.......... -". / \,.,t <br />.:) L c:' <br />/e'-'1-".,) <br />r: ~,r.... <br />....i. ./v' <br /> <br />,. '. I""' <br />.l.........'. v\_,' <br /> <br />') r,>"', <br /> <br />;.1.. '!j!ler~ten ,:~O"'r~<) ~~':__'~-:Jl.i-ìE<·~ :~'" ;'ot}"len -~'::\ c():-:ti_~·\....s t:li.f: ';::ç~:pt.~r¿; <br />~~O'-:r ~~·.,C('to~~-er l.~~,l1)l;)rj,:: L ,1c.'~_~~,:/~:.. ::o:i.l :;-=~~.1:i\:v~?::-··(S),~,~,..~2..r··- <br /> <br /> <br />~û,~ ~~'e2 <br /> <br />n:u:...~;~ COi,;]';CIL C? ee\ S2VIU2 <br />:onèaJ,Cctober 11'::.L,1?1¡ò,O-t 8 ¡- . <br />Co:rtinuation Ji: :'.~,::~t:"nb of f)ct0!:e:- ;th,~LC <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />:-' ) . <br /> <br />,,' <br /> <br />-: :-:-'Y' ~( <br /> <br />~hc~ IÚf;et~_"b rU1S (: 211(;(1 to ()rder '~~,~., Frr3:icJent ~·.\:.GlJ. !--:r r;i t~l the~ <br />i'ollovviab .:!~:;r:bel· s ;:'~(~;E ec"t. ; :':\1C' 1J.. er, :.:'?:.:.t:'!'l-:; Z J ro t~-~er-!, Cé:.r 1 S 011, :l2";J:~er:: tell. <br />Ir2 Kar011,Attorne~' ,?ra,;)-: L'2,:,ne:1, :::'.,.·e·lf'ur'2r 21«; Teò.Sc~r,l t;; ,,,ere éÚ~O pre~ent. <br /> <br />;;jr. Xaron re;-ort.ed t':1é't cÌlaJ\;irr§, !lames of ptreets in the Vil13ge of <br />Roseville cculò be C'008 by re::'oluti:::n. A l'(;sclution '.'i2S p_~Eare(; to change <br />iIer:'lall st. to 881dhu:'st Lane. ':¿n¿' :r.e¡;~b2rS of t':1s COlillcil !(Œ.at ,'serious diffi- <br />cul ties do ariEe fror,l changing names of s+,reets, such%1íar.ging records ,Flziling, <br />etc. HaJnmersten moved,Eueller seconder! to table this resolution.Roll call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />,~. <br /> <br />'l'!le hearing called 'J;)' the Depart:nent o£' T:1Xation,State of Minnesota <br />en t':1e Paper-C21i'iemson ta.x abattement ca.rn.e up for Vlas pointed out <br />that the loss in revem.e to the Village was onl:/ ~309.00 and the S.::hoibl District <br />2,bout 1h50.oo. L;ueller laovec:, seconècd L-<2T pothen to waive this he2ring which is <br />to 1::;8 Delcl,Thur.sè.ay,October l¡.th,;ot 10:80 o'clock A.?E.P.oll call:A;yes-(5)Nays-(O). <br /> <br />tf,1e,Jt. t3 C'rdinance ;;0.113 'was introduce:;, :;)rohi1:Ji Erl£ the use of guns, revolvers <br />pü:tch' or fÜ'CQI'(lS cf OT:.¿' :<:ind ylithin the limi Ü' of the Village of Roseville. <br />'Ja'",...,a....C"tc,]" ""O'-(Jr~ "eco",..:Jpc1 '^'T -::-ot~len +0 adopt t11;C or,,'Frl"DcP Rol' C"ll·^ves-(é) <br />.d. "'-i,d....__J. '-'.... ...t ...i. \,: __~¡,.... _,...l~_. l..'J J 1.1.':' v ... v ___..,.J \...,,;..J.. C .i. ...... '--- C..l1.J ./ <br />~ia'.r"'-(O') <br />~; ¿¡... ' . <br /> <br />'::'here being no further business,Ear rsten Iiloved,sec. b:.r :,'ueller to <br />tl."O :nee~Rol~.I'\ Call:Ay, es-(5),Na,y -(0). <br /> <br />a· ~ -¡::Tf:;f'icJent Clerk <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-,-~----- ...-----,-_.__.- <br /> <br />, -'·i~ <br />