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Last modified
3/1/2019 9:22:39 AM
Creation date
2/25/2019 12:05:39 PM
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Public Works Commission
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81 had to send a letter to people on the second list. He noted as pavement projects in <br />82 areas with houses on the freeze list the City will add insulation to those services, so <br />83 the residents do not need to run their water. He stated the only issue with that is <br />84 the City is only insulating the line under the road portion, the line is not being <br />85 insulated through the residents' yard. As the services are insulated the residents do <br />86 get removed from the freeze list so someday there will not be a freeze list. <br />87 <br />88 Member Kors stated there is a sidewalk on the north side of County Road B between <br />89 Lexington and Victoria that is really treacherous with a couple inches of ice and <br />90 snow build up and he wondered who was responsible for cleaning the sidewalks. <br />91 <br />92 Mr. Culver indicated the City Parks Department does provide snow removal on the <br />93 trails and sidewalks in residential areas through the winter season. This season has <br />94 been a very challenging season for ice. He noted the City does not do ice control <br />95 on sidewalks. With the thaw an refreeze it has been really challenging in some <br />96 areas as far as ice control. He stated the City does not have a bare pavement <br />97 standard and when the parks employees plow it is not always scraping down to the <br />98 actual pavement, it may be approximately an inch above that to prevent damaging <br />99 the concrete or equipment. <br />100 <br />101 Member Kors thought a part of the problem with that section of sidewalk is there <br />102 is not a natural way for it to drain so the ice builds up as the snow melts. <br />103 <br />104 Mr. Culver did not think that was a unique issue, especially on the County roads <br />105 because the County is plowing the snow off the street and goes onto the boulevard <br />106 or sidewalk and then the City comes in and clears the snow and pushes more snow <br />107 onto the boulevard and to the area on the other side of the sidewalk. He noted it is <br />108 a constant battle. <br />109 <br />110 5. Snelling Avenue Corridor Study <br />111 Public Works Director Marc Culver provided a brief review and update on the <br />112 Snelling Avenue Corridor Study listed in the staff report dated January 22, 2019 <br />113 <br />114 Member Joyce stated there was a reference of grade separation at Lydia and he <br />115 asked to have it explained. That scenario would be discussed later in the <br />116 presentation. <br />117 <br />118 Mr. Culver reviewed scenario one at Lydia with the Commission. <br />119 <br />120 Member Wozniak stated there are sidewalks on both sides of Lydia but there is not <br />121 any crosswalk. <br />122 <br />123 Mr. Culver stated that has been the case for a while. He indicated that because of <br />124 the heavy left turn volumes at that intersection the City does not want pedestrian <br />125 crossing on the north side. <br />126 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />
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