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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2019 <br /> Page 16 <br /> intersection in any proposal. He was wondering about this study and whether it <br /> really needs to be done again because it was done at an exceptional time on 35W. <br /> Mr. Culver stated staff did talk to the consultant about the left turn lane and staff <br /> felt that there will probably be an issue with enforcement and redirecting the left <br /> turns to another intersection. As Mr. Callaghan pointed out, it is a collector street <br /> and people anticipate a certain level of access through there so staff would not <br /> recommend removing the westbound left turn as a part of this project. The east <br /> side of Snelling will be repaved along Lydia and the City will make sure to take a <br /> look at the lane continuity form the west side of Snelling to the east side to make <br /> sure it lines up through the intersection. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought Mr. Callaghan's comments with regard to west- <br /> bound traffic on Lydia made sense to maintain that left turn from westbound Lyd- <br /> ia onto southbound Snelling. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred and perhaps given the width of the intersection on the west <br /> side of Snelling where Lydia comes in, there looks like the possibility of adding a <br /> small narrow island with a keep right arrow to help align people crossing Snel- <br /> ling. <br /> Councilmember Willmus also suggested staff talking to Northwestern about <br /> maintaining a right-in which makes a lot of sense. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed with the last point. He thought staff could plan <br /> ahead to make sure the right-in is safe. He thought something should be done and <br /> staff should look at the PUD to see how it affects this. <br /> Council direction is to not pursue a third lane project at this time, to forgo the fed- <br /> eral funds, and to pursue Scenario One Implementation. <br /> h. Consideration of Reappointment of Julie Kimble to the Planning Commis- <br /> sion <br /> Mayor Roe briefly highlighted this item and noted Ms. Kimble initially did not <br /> applied for reappointment; however, there has been some conversation between <br /> Ms. Kimble, staff, and Councilmember Willmus and Ms. Kimble indicated she <br /> was interested in reappointment to the Commission. <br /> Willmus moved, Groff seconded, to reappoint Julie Kimble to a vacant two-year <br /> term to the Planning Commission. <br /> Council Discussion <br />