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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2019 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 5. Recognitions, Donations, and Communications <br /> a. Introduction of Janice Gundlach, Community Development Director <br /> City Manager Patrick Trudgeon introduced the City's new Community Develop- <br /> ment Director and reviewed her experience with the City Council. <br /> Ms. Janice Gundlach thanked the City Council and City staff for her employment <br /> opportunity. She indicated she was excited to work with the City staff team. <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed Ms. Gundlach to the City. <br /> 6. Items Removed from Consent Agenda <br /> 7. Business Items <br /> a. Presentation by Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce <br /> Mr. John Connelly, President of Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce updat- <br /> ed the City Council on events and items happening in the community. <br /> Mayor Roe asked in terms of the MNPASS project, Ramsey County will be work- <br /> ing on County Road C in the western part of the City at the same time and he <br /> wondered if the Chamber has been working with the County to see if there are <br /> ways to reach out to those businesses. <br /> Mr. Connelly stated he had a conversation with Ramsey County Commissioner <br /> Mary Jo McGuire about some of those items. The Chamber does have a number <br /> of members in that area, some will be impacted off County Road C, and the <br /> Chamber wants to make sure MnDOT has real time updates on their website so <br /> businesses in that area can regularly go to the source and get real time information <br /> about when lane closures occur so it can be shared with the businesses' guests. <br /> He noted it could impact a lot of businesses with the construction occurring and <br /> could create a hardship for the businesses. <br /> b. Public Hearing to Adopt a Resolution Providing Host Approval of Tax- <br /> Exempt Funds for Roseville Senior Living, LLC. <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA <br /> and related attachments dated February 11, 2019. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified with staff that this is not an obligation of the City of Rose- <br /> ville or the taxpayers in any way if there is any issue with payment of the bonds. <br /> These are not the City's bonds and the City is not being put under any obligation <br /> as a result of this. <br /> Mr. Miller indicated that was correct. <br />