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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan stated for significant calls, the third apparatus will roll <br /> out and in situations where one of the two apparatuses are inoperable, it will move <br /> into a backup position. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked how often that happens. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan thought it happened at least quarterly if not more of- <br /> ten. <br /> Battalion Chief Sjostrom stated a scenario would be when a vehicle is getting rou- <br /> tine maintenance or a delayed maintenance that needs to be done and takes sever- <br /> al days. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan continued with the presentation regarding the HGAC <br /> process. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if there was a possibility for the Council to get <br /> more information on the low bid process versus going the route the City went the <br /> last time. He stated eventually a determination will need to be done but prelimi- <br /> narily, he would be interested in seeing where the City would be at being low bid, <br /> especially with looking at two vehicles. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated this could be done but is a lot more time consuming. Current- <br /> ly, a generic spec has not been built and time is one of the things that needs to be <br /> considered as far as it is taking fourteen months for the engine to be ordered and <br /> delivered and eighteen months for a ladder truck to be ordered and delivered. He <br /> stated it is the time aspect that would be sacrificed in this situation. He noted a <br /> generic bid would need to be written up with a bidding process that is fairly <br /> lengthy. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated another reason why the Fire Department switched to HGAC <br /> a few years back is the Fire Department found a few problems with the low bid <br /> process. One issue was a generic bid had to be developed so it was not specific to <br /> any one manufacture that most vendors would choose not to bid on it. The other <br /> issue that happens on occasion is because a generic bid is created, there may be a <br /> company that wins the low bid that normally does not build fire trucks. He stated <br /> this has been seen elsewhere with not a great outcome. He noted another big part <br /> of this is the great working relationship that has been made with Rosenbauer and <br /> being comfortable with their warranty program and the speed in which the trucks <br /> are repaired. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if this was something the City could go through <br /> and use the best value process for. <br />