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<br />II <br />Meeting,January 4th,(continued) <br /> <br />42 <br /> <br />Pothen moved,secondedeb,y Hammersten that a Public Hearing be had on this <br />matter,Tuesda;,v,January lBth,l949 at 2 o'clock P.M. Roll Call:Ayes(4) Carlson did <br />not vote.N~s-(ot <br /> <br />The Clerk read a lètter from Alvin H.Leier,1905 No.Chatsworth applying for ~ <br />the job of Building Inspector for the Village of Roseville.Carlson said that we v <br />had a good building inspector now and could not see a reason to make a change,he, <br />therefore,makde a motion,secondedeby Mueller to put letter on file.Roll call-(5)Ayes <br />Nays-(ot <br />President MUeller submitted an ordinance establi~ng a MUnicipal Liquor store <br />in the Village of Roseville.Hammersten moved, seconded b,y carlson to adopt this <br />ordinance NO.l14.Roll Call-Ayes-(O),N~s-(O). <br /> <br />Pothen moved, seconded b,y Mueller that the Village of Roseville be authorized <br />to operate an "OFF SALE" liquor store on Dale st. and tarpenteur Ave and that <br />premises be leased from the owner Harvey Peterson for $50.00 per month, beginning <br />February lst,1949.Roll Call-AYes(5),Nays(0). <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded b,y Carlson to authorize Village Clerk to purchase <br />supplies incliding liquor and equipments necessary to operate the liquor store. <br />Purchases of liquor and beer to be an obligation against receipts rather than <br />village treasury.Roll call:AYes-(5),N~S-(O). . <br /> <br />Membrez introduced an ordinance No.115 amending ordinance No.lOO called the <br />building code.Hammersten moved, seconded by Carlson to adopt this ordinance.Roll call: <br />Ay-es-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Mueller moved,seconded by Carlson to adopt the following resolution.Roll call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(O).: <br /> <br />WHEREAS,additional fire equipment is needed for the fire Dept.of the Village <br />of Rosevi1le,and <br />WHERBAS,it is estimated that $15, 000.00, in addition to that heretofore <br />appropriated, is the amount necessary for said purposes, and <br />WHEREAS, it is of the opinion of the Council that bonds in the Village of <br />Roseville,in an amount not exceeding 115,OOO.OO,should be issued for the <br />purpose of obtaining cash for said purpose,and <br />WHEREAS,the question of the issuance of said bonds must be submitted to the <br />voters of the Village of Roseville; <br />NOIf, THBREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Roseville sell nego~iable <br />bonds of the vUlage of Rosev1l1e,in a 8UJI not to exceed $15.000.00 tor the <br />purchase ot t1Je equip.nt; <br />Resolved ~,that the question of the issuance of said bonds be first <br />submitted to t-b8 veters of the Village of Roseville as is required bT 1..; <br />BE IT FURTHER ,p80LVED,that ~,,,,_.U__, said bonds shall bear the date of <br />the tirst dq of the aonth in they are sold;that such bends be in the <br />torm of seriS¡ bonds pqable each 'Tear after issuance,but none shall run for <br />a longer period than 8ix(6 )years after date of 1ssuancef..-....III'~-. that the <br />Council shall tix..b.Y a subsequent resolution, the denominations and torm of <br />such a bonds and cate of a6r1ty thereof;such bonds shall bear interest at <br />not to exceed 5% per annua,payable semi-annua1.q;the full faith and credit of <br />the Village of Roseville irrevocably pledged for the prompt and f'ai thful <br />payment of' both principal and interest of said bonds, <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds <br />froa tille to tiM in such aaaunts as it sees tit in the aanner providedby' <br />law at not less than par and accrued interest to the highest bidder or bidders, <br />and the proceeds thereot,including ~ premiuas realized thereon, shall be <br /> <br />