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<br />Meeting,Tuesday,March l5th,1949,at 2 PM
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<br />54
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<br />The Village Council met on the above date in a regular session with the
<br />following members present:Mueller,Membrez,Pothen,Hammersten and Carlson. Ira Karon
<br />attorney was also present.
<br />The hearing on the matter of rezoning land for Mr.Oscar Gottfried scheduled
<br />to be heard åt this meeting, was postponed to April Sth,1949,on motion b.y Hammersten,
<br />seconded b.Y }Aueller.Roll call:AYes-(S),Nays-(O)
<br />Walter Lange operating a tavern called "The Depot" in our Village, located
<br />on Lexington Ave and County Road "D" appeared before the Council as a result of an
<br />arrest made by the County Sheriff because of violation of the ordinance #102 of the
<br />Village of Rosevi1le.and the "Set-up"law of the state of Minnesota.upon questioning
<br />by the '!~or,Mr Lange stated that he was guilty and he admitted further that he also
<br />sold intoxicating malt beverage in his estab1ishment.It was suggested that the
<br />Council discussed this matter with the County Sheriff.Hammersten moved, seconded by
<br />Carl.on to l~ this matter over to the next meeting of April Sth for a decision.
<br />Roll calltAYes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />Mueller moved, seconded b.y Carlson to grant a license to La~ence Sign Co
<br />for the completion of erecting a large signe on Larpenteur Ave,just West of Uictoria.
<br />upon receipt of proper application and license fee.Roll call;Ayes-(S),Nays-(O).
<br />Mueller moved, seconded by Carlson to grant a special permit to reside in
<br />a basement that Mr.Larry Chapek proposes to build on Lot #l,Block #l,Westmore Add.
<br />for a period of Six months.Roll Call:Ayes-(S),Nays-(O).
<br />It was reported that a Mr.C.A.Nichols,30'O Woodbridge st. has been living
<br />in a basement for over 3 years. The clerk was instructed to notify Mr.Nichols that the
<br />special permit was issued for one year only and that he dbuld notify the Council
<br />as to his future plans for the completion of his home.
<br />Mueller moved, seconded by carlson that Mr.Theo.H.Schultz be recommendeà
<br />for Assessor in the Village of Roseville and that the County Assessor be notified to
<br />that effect.Roll Call:AYes-(5),N~S-(O).
<br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Mueller to request Mr.Claude Allen,State Rep.
<br />of our district to present a bill to the Legislature for an act relating to the
<br />appointement of assistant assessors in certain Counties.Roll Call:Ayes-('),N~s-(O).
<br />Ole Rice,1919 Malvern st. submitted a petition signed by property owners
<br />within Soo feet in excess of S~ for the rezoning of the following described real
<br />estae from Class "An Residential to Class "Bn residential:
<br />fl Lots one to fifteen, Block two and Lots Sixteen to Thirty,Block One
<br />" Lauderdale's East Side Addition to Minneapolis.
<br />Membrez moved, seconded b.y Pothen that petition be accepted and that Public Hearing
<br />be had on this matter on Tuesday,AprU Sth,1949 at 2 PM at the Village Hall.
<br />Roll CalIIAyes-(S),Nays-(O).
<br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Pothen that a committee be appointed to
<br />join with cOlDl¢.ttee of Town of Rose and the Village of Lauderdale to determine the
<br />value of the real esta'e property on which the Town Hall is located.This action
<br />is found nece...s&ry in order to divide the real estate assets according to valuation
<br />of each go.vemi........ ~ un.its,nameIYIVillage of Roseville,Town of Rose,Village of LaUderdalf.
<br />Roll Ca1lt.~$-(5),Nqs-(O). .¡
<br />TÞ' ma;yor t.þen appointed 1Ir.llembrez and himself on this committee.!
<br />Î~,rsten~ed,seconded by Pothen to adopt the following re8~lution:
<br />Roll Call1~...~(,),Nays-(O).
<br />"WIiJ!lŒA$}'We COuncil of the Village of Roseville did by resolution, approved
<br />January 4th,1949,authorize issuance of $lS,OOO.OO par value of the bondsQt;
<br />the Village of Roseville for the purpose øf obtaining cash to purchase .
<br />additional .fire-equipment tor the Firt:! Dept. of said Village,and
<br />WHEREAS, the Council of the Village of Roseville bJtsaid resolution authori$ed
<br />
<br />that the question of the issuance of said bonda be submitted totheyoters of
<br />the Village of Roseville as required by law, and
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<br />- ~ .<.~". .~~_. ,.______~...>_,___ ._'_____n"_
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