<br />~Æeeting,Tuef'd3.y,April Sth,19'-~9 at 2P~¡!
<br />
<br />57
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<br />~------------_..._---_.-- -.- -- _...-_--------~...."._._- .-----
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<br />The VillaGe COlmcil met on the above date in a regular session wi th ~J''le
<br />following members precent:Mueller, Fot:1en,H~"1ffiersten, Carlson, Meillbrez . Ira Karon,
<br />village attorl"ey ann Frc;,nk Leinen,treasurer were also present.
<br />
<br />The clerk reé!d th'-; minutes of the meetings of March 15th and March 23rd
<br />and on motion by 1Æuell(;T, s8conded by Hænmersten, the;y were <?HJToved as read .Roll
<br />call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />
<br />The bid from Caldwell ?hillips Co for the ~é.'le of $15,000.00 adopted by
<br />reEolution on Marhh 15th was opened 1;)y the clerk. The offer to pay par ~lS,OOO.OC
<br />plus a premium of $36.00 and plus accrued interest to the date on which they
<br />accept delivery. The rate on il"terest tc te 1.60 per centum per annum. the gooè
<br />faith deposit of ~750.00 required with the bid was enclosed. Muel1=r moved,
<br />seconded by Hammersten to sell the bond to Caldwell Fhilli~s Co or: the a~0ve
<br />terms.Roll call:Ayes-(S),Nay~-(O). There were no other bids submitted.
<br />
<br />Oscar Gottfried submitted a',petition to rezone the following described
<br />property from Residential "A" district :'0 Residential "C" district:
<br />"Lots 11 to 18 inclusive, Block 3 "Gottfried" and that part of tÌ1e
<br />rrswi of the SEi- of sect.15,T.29,R.23 bounded as ':ollows:On the North
<br />"by hte South line of Ione Ave as shoym in the plat of Gottfr~ed,
<br />"Village of Roseville,on the West by land owned ()~T the County of Ramsey
<br />"on the East by the East line of the said ffi~ * of the ~Et of the said
<br />rrSect.l),T.29,R.23,Qn the South b~1 a line running parallel to and rl.istant
<br />"291 feet North (measured at right angle) of the center line of Larpentcur Ave.
<br />Mueller mov3d,seconded by CFxlson to accept petition anè that Public Hearing
<br />be had on this matter on April 19th at the Village Hall,Hamline D~0 Co.Rd.B
<br />at 2 o'clock PM.Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />
<br />The Public hearing on the following petition was declared open:
<br />"The South 261 feet of the SW* of the SE~ of Seet.lS,T.29N,R.23W
<br />"lying East of the property owned by Ramsey Coun:,y for dr,:Ünage
<br />"purpose Eubject to County and Village Roc;,ds right-of-way.
<br />to rezone from Class "A" Residential district to a Business district,AS submitted
<br />by Oscar Gottfried. There being no one present tQ speak for or again~t the
<br />rezoning and owing to the fact that this property is located on Larpenteur Ave
<br />which is a good business Ave,~ueller moved,s~conded by Pothen that property
<br />described above be zoned to a Business district.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />
<br />Mr.Schwartz residing on No.Me Carrons Boulevard just East of Williams st.
<br />requested the Council to take action on qœning a culvert under William~ st.
<br />He suspected that someone plugged this culvert which creates a bad situation on
<br />"\ris land due to the accumulation of water. The clerk ;vas instructed to write
<br />a letter to Roy Brown,279 Me Carrons Bld.asking him to enlighten the Council
<br />pertaining to the plu&ging of this culvert.
<br />
<br />Norbert Mueller requested a permit to moue and reconstruct a building to
<br />be used as a Public garage on Rice St., just North of the St.Paul Ci t;y limits.
<br />Membrez moved,seconded by Mueller to grant him a permit on the condition that
<br />the building code is not v~olated .Roll ca1lzAyee-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />
<br />Wallace J.Monette appeared before the Council to obtain a special permit
<br />to reside ir. the basement of a home he proposes to build on Lot l7,Reiling Park
<br />in Roseville Village.Due to his inhability to obtain a GI loan until fall, he
<br />claimed he did not have sufficient funds ~o complete this heme immediately.
<br />H~mersten moveà,seconrled by Carlson to grant him a specie~ permit for 6 months
<br />from the date hereof.Poll call:Ayes-(S),~JYs-(O)
<br />