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<br />n <br /> <br />58 <br /> <br />As there is a great ¿eal 0;" gravel Deedeè to conditicu [uwe of om' Villoc6e <br />roads,Membrez I'loved,seconder:J by Harwner.sten ~hat we purchase l2CO ycìs of grevel <br />from r,¡r.Oscar Gottfrieè 3.t Go¢ per yard. Roll call :AY8s-(5) ,~¡a;)n::-( ,]). <br /> <br />Muell éJr moved, seconded by Hamr:JÐ!"sten that we advertise for bids in the st. <br />Paul Legal Ledger for the hauling anl3 spreading of this gravel.Roll Call:A;;res(5), <br />Nays-( 0). <br /> <br />At the request of the Village Councìl,;,¡r.!.~erstlorf,2549 No.Pa~c<Ù. A·.¡e appeared <br />in regard to a special permit issued to him whic~ has exceeded the time lir~t. Mr. <br />~~ersdorf informed the Council that due to financial difficulties he has been unable <br />to complete his home and requested an exten~ion to the special perœit.He said he <br />was planning to build the upper struct1.<!"c this summer.Mueller moved, seconded by <br />by Pothen to extend this special per:~c 6 months from the date hereof.Roll call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Mrs.Larson submitted <: lòtter written b~r her husband Dr.L.C.Larson,609 Oak St <br />SE,Mpls.requesting a special permit to build a basement on Rose] awn Ave, appr.120 ft.E. <br />of Fulham and reside in it until he can cOlJplete the house.Mueller moved,seccnded <br />by Carlson to grant him a special. permit for 6 months fror.1 the date hereof.:ìoll Call: <br />Ayes-(5),~ays-(O). <br /> <br />:r:;onalè E. Smith reque::ted ar:::xten::ioe to a speci;Ü permit to reSlc.e in his <br />b2sement at 2275 West Highway #36.He said that sewage and water facilitiS's have <br />been completed butup to this time has been unable to com!)lete hi9 house.Muellcr <br />raoved,seconded by Ham.!!lersten to extend the special permit for 6 mont~s from the <br />date hereof .Roll call:Ayes-( 5) ,Nays-( 0). <br /> <br />::?obert Carr,2390 Long Lake: Road suggested that a "DEAD EUD" sign be erected <br />or: the North side of service roa¿ ')f the intersection of Long Lake Road and Hgway 3:5. <br />Mueller moved,seconèed by Carlson to order the erection of the sign.Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />The ~~blic Hearing on the pct~tion r-resented by Ole Rice for the rezoning <br />of the following described proper~ from Clasf' "A" to Class "B" residential was <br />open: <br />"Lots 1 to l5,Block 2 and Lost 16 to JO,Jlock 1,Lauderd31e'3 <br />"East side Addition to ilinneapolis <br />There being no one present for or against the rezcn':\ing,Mueller moved, seconcled by <br />pothen to rezone the above pescribed property.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Wal ter Lange operating tÌ1e "'!)EPOT" on Lexington anc1 Co.Rd.D appeared as a <br />result of an arrest made by the Co.sheriff because of violation of the Set-up laws <br />in his establislunent. Mr.Lan~was óldvised definitely that in the event he vialates <br />~ <br />the law and Village ordinancesl\uu~t all l1is licenses will im!neŒtialy be cancelled. <br />Mueller moved, seconded by potl¡en to givèånother chance at this time.Roll call: <br />~res-(5),NaYE-(0). <br /> <br />Væ.Malmstedt,1.392 Wohrle st complained about the condition of Wohrle st. <br />he "'as advised that the road over-seer will be instructed to do some work there to <br />eliminate as much as possible the drainage situation which exist on t~at street. <br />Upon report of the committee on the settlement of the real estate between <br />the Town of Rose and Lauderdale Village,H~ersten moved, seconded by Mueller thólt <br />the value of the land and building be established not to exceed $6,500.00 Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />Hmmnersten moved,secondeò by Mueller to approve the expenditures to compensate <br />3 firemen to attend the Northwest Fire School on the basis of 8 hours per day at <br />1.50 per hour.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). . /'" " <br />1\ Hammersten moved, seconded by Mueller to ¢ontinue this meeting to Moµd.ay, <br /> <br />A:iYi{1~~~,:~tt83~:-,~~~,:~:'A. rr~~~~:~1:Ayes-(5 )~a!s.~~~", ' __~_.____~Cl"rk. <br />