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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 12 <br /> the Fire Department eight months of value of a part-time staff. This was a busi- <br /> ness model the Fire Department didn't think was working for the community and <br /> the Fire Department and was one of the foundations of why his department came <br /> to the Council and said it was time to change the business model and move away <br /> from part time. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated everything he brings to the Council is with the idea of how <br /> he can do this for the community at the cheapest cost. He stated he could have <br /> brought the Council a model that had seven on duty full-time and the eighth posi- <br /> tion would be staffed on a part-time level, which would have worked as well but <br /> would be more expensive than what he would bring to the Council with eight full- <br /> time staff. That is why he hesitates to do that, because he did not want to be in <br /> the position of sitting before the Council and have someone on the Council ask <br /> him if it would be much cheaper to go to eight full-time staff. If this is a direction <br /> of Council or the City Manager, that is exactly what his staff will do. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated in the last presentation, Chief O'Neill indicated it <br /> would cost seventy to eighty thousand dollars to train and get personal equipment <br /> for a part-timer. One of the concerns with turnover is that people were being <br /> hired out to full-time places. He wondered if the Fire Department had a full-time <br /> backbone, the opportunity for career advancement for those people who are start- <br /> ing as paid on-call are then able to move into full-time ranks. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated it would certainly be an incentive but if there is nowhere for <br /> them to go, those employees would then leave the Fire Department as well. Most <br /> of the full-time fire fighters the Department just hired are very young and have <br /> not had any turn over in them for five years. The opportunities for a full-time turn <br /> over have been limited, so his belief is that with limited opportunity for them the <br /> City would be in the same position. <br /> Mayor Roe asked in regard to the table, are there a number of the departments that <br /> list quantity of part-time staff that are actually in the process of doing a transition <br /> towards full-time that might show up as still having part-time staff. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated some of it is data that changes almost daily and most of it is <br /> data that the City started building back in September 2018, getting ready for this <br /> presentation. Other cities are changing continuously so it is hard to keep up with <br /> the data. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if the job pool or part-time fire fighters is not expanding and <br /> would be a reason to hire full-time fire fighters. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan indicated that was true. Right now, there is a Ramsey <br /> County Fire Fighter One Program that has its lowest enrollment in ten years, <br /> • <br /> Hennepin Technical College closed their program to train fire fighters, and Centu- <br />
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