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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Chair Schroeder stated on the look back, it is not a judgement, it is more of can <br /> the City learn from it. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated the Finance Commission had some discussion in <br /> their notes about classifications for what would be looked back on as well as if the <br /> Commission wanted to ask the Council to consider looking back on purchases in <br /> the last five years and where did that conversation go. <br /> Chair Schroeder stated that is where the Commission is looking for guidance on. <br /> She stated there were no timeframes on some of that and where the Commission <br /> wanted to find out what would be of interest to the Council to do. Would the <br /> Council want to go back five years to do that? She stated the Commission felt it <br /> would make sense but was looking for guidance as well. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the Commission had a sense on the number of look <br /> backs. <br /> Commissioner Murray stated there was discussion about looking back yearly but <br /> felt that would be a bit much so maybe on a three-year basis. <br /> Mayor Roe imagined it depended on how many of these projects there are and <br /> how frequently the projects occur. <br /> Chair Schroeder stated the Commission did not want to put in a specific time for <br /> projects knowing that some projects could be different from one another. She <br /> stated the Commission talked about whether there should be a time put in the pol- <br /> icy and the Commission felt it could not be done. When a project is being looked <br /> at,part of that process could be to look back at it in a certain amount of time. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated one of the categories that was in the front-end policy <br /> was around revenue and there are some things the City does has revenue attribut- <br /> ed to it. He appreciated the discussion that a lot of what the City does is not about <br /> making money, it is about the services it is providing to the community. He asked <br /> whether the Commission discussed having a revenue component to the look back. <br /> Chair Schroeder stated that was definitely a part of the look back. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if it was intentionally not on the list. <br /> Chair Schroeder thought in the examples, it can be seen. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he saw the revenue component in the example but <br /> was not in the RCA, so he was not sure where it was. <br />