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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Chair Schroeder thought Councilmember Etten was correct in that some things do <br /> not have revenue, or some things are not designed to make money, but the Com- <br /> mission did talk about revenue as being a part of that and is something that could <br /> be modified in the policy as well. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated one thought she had was maybe the creation of a <br /> template where things like revenue could be on the template and may not have <br /> anything to fill in all of the time, but it is outside of policy which sometimes gets <br /> lost. She suggested developing or drafting a template that could go with an item <br /> when it is being discussed and vetted. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the examples would go forward with the document to help <br /> with the look back. <br /> Chair Schroeder thought the examples could be included in the template, so some- <br /> thing is not forgotten. <br /> Commissioner Groff stated this was very helpful to him and looking at the exam- <br /> ples gave him a perspective on some of the work the Commission has been doing. <br /> He thought it would be really helpful to have that sort of information because it <br /> condenses it down rather than reading it through all of the minutes. He agreed <br /> with Councilmember Laliberte's template idea as it would be very helpful for <br /> him. <br /> Councilmember Willmus appreciated the second look the Finance Commission <br /> has taken on this policy. <br /> Councilmember Etten wondered about what the Council wanted to include. He <br /> stated one of the examples in the report included Public Works roads and side- <br /> walks, for examples. When he thinks about roads, it is rare to add a road unless it <br /> is necessary for a new development and when adding sidewalks, it is part of the <br /> City's Sidewalk Master Plan that has been vetted through Commissions and the <br /> Council. He would not be inclined to thinking about this kind of format for those <br /> projects, usually because the projects are part of a bigger plan. <br /> Mayor Roe thought a sidewalk project might have several smaller segments in a <br /> year that might cross the $500,000 threshold but in reality, each of those projects <br /> is part of a larger project. So, he did not know if he would think of those project <br /> along those lines. <br /> Commissioner Murray stated the golf course, strip center, and park buildings, <br /> would be projects to include. <br />