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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Chair Schroeder stated the Commission did talk about those projects as well. Part <br /> of that was just to make sure people were aware there are additional expenses go- <br /> ing into the budget going forward. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if the Finance Commission was looking to limit <br /> specifically to projects and not an acquisition of an expensive piece of equipment, <br /> for example. <br /> Chair Schroeder indicated the Commission does not want to limit anything. She <br /> stated if the item is already in the CIP with the amount then did the Council really <br /> want to see the project because it has already been vetted. <br /> Commissioner Harold stated a big thing with that is highlighting either additions <br /> or replacements that are substantially different. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated when looking at new development, you are look- <br /> ing at roads and infrastructure which are often costs borne by the developer. The <br /> long-term maintenance of those assets, when turned over to the City, is something <br /> that would need to be tracked. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated the part he found important was maintenance costs <br /> on these different items. He thought sometimes that gets forgotten or is not high- <br /> lighted enough for the public to think about. If there was someway that could be <br /> incorporated in, he would like to see that. <br /> Chair Schroeder stated the Commission wanted to make sure if a new asset is pur- <br /> chased, what is it going to take to maintain and over time, it will need to be re- <br /> placed as well so to be aware of what that entails. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it was fair to say that while policy uses a $500,000 threshold, <br /> he could imagine the Council would be looking at the ongoing rehabilitation and <br /> replacement costs, operational maintenance costs, on some less-than-$500,000 <br /> items as well. <br /> Mayor Roe referenced Attachment A, policy language, the first paragraph, noting <br /> this is carried forward from the policy well before the City had a Finance Com- <br /> mission. He stated on the second line, line 4, it starts with the word "mainte- <br /> nance" and he thought from some previous conversations, the Council wants to <br /> get away from talking about maintenance when talking about capital rehabilitation <br /> costs because maintenance is a different thing. <br /> Mayor Roe referenced the paragraph on lines 13-16 and stated he was not one <br /> hundred percent sure he liked the idea of striking it all together. He though the <br /> sense of that is something he would like to somehow keep in the policy because <br /> he liked what it was saying. He would like the Commission to think about some <br />