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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Chair Schroeder asked if there was anything else the Council wanted the Com- <br /> mission to work on other than what the Commission is currently working on. <br /> Mayor Roe did not think there was anything else at this time. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 6:38 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 6:39 p.m. <br /> b. Receive Fire Department Presentation for Phase II Staffing Needs <br /> Mr. Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA and related at- <br /> tachments dated March 25, 2019, and to focus this discussion on whether the <br /> council is prepared at this time to direct staff to focus on implementation of staff- <br /> ing for 8 on a shift based on the information provided. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill and Assistant Chief Bresnahan made a presentation to the City <br /> Council regarding Phase II staffing needs for the Fire Department. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte did not dispute anything said about the community of <br /> Roseville being different, unique, or having different types of calls and needs than <br /> neighboring communities. She was not necessarily disputing the number of eight <br /> based on what is provided currently for services in the community. If anything, it <br /> is unfortunate that the City did not look at selection of staffing at five back when <br /> the City was talking about full time, part time and certainly the City did not know <br /> there would be the attrition the City has. In her mind, there is no doubt that the <br /> City needs to figure out how to budget for the staffing and to move forward. She <br /> stated she was looking forward to the conversation with her colleagues because <br /> that is the hardest part. She thanked the Fire Department for bringing the infor- <br /> mation forward. <br /> Commissioner Etten appreciated the Fire Department bringing up the concerns of <br /> the fire fighters going into fires and having the backup crew available and certain- <br /> ly for the people who may be in the structure. He wondered how that works with <br /> the auto-aid with surrounding communities. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated each department first needs to be self-reliant and there is no <br /> department out there that doesn't do that in conversations had as far as auto aid or <br /> mutual aid. It starts with supplementing the Fire Department's services. The Fire <br /> Department needs to be able to first respond to any fire within the City with the <br /> assumption that the Fire Department will not get any auto or mutual aid. After <br /> that, there are agreements with most of the City's neighbors for auto aid or mutual <br /> aid due to the fact that the Fire Department tries to staff for about ninety-nine per- <br /> cent of what the Fire Department gets and ask for help for the one percent. With <br /> that, that is how the agreements are formulated. In scenarios where there is a <br /> structure fire, it is currently set up where the on-duty crew responds to the fire <br /> with a call-back for off duty part-time and full-time fire fighters to respond to the <br />