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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 8 <br /> station and the help comes from the neighboring cities. How that help comes or <br /> where it comes from differs depending on the location of the fire. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated regarding the call-back, does the Fire Department <br /> have guidelines for the full-time fire fighters that covers where those employees <br /> can live? <br /> Chief O'Neill stated there is not because State Statute does not allow the City to <br /> mandate where a full-time employee lives. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if it delays the Fire Department's call-back response <br /> time in that situation. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated the farther the employee lives, the longer the delay it is. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that is the concern for him regarding going to a full- <br /> time staff one hundred percent of the time. This would be extending the call-back <br /> response time frame instead of shrinking it. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated that was correct and what the Fire Department is looking at is <br /> the concept of when the Fire Department finally gets to eight on duty, the Fire <br /> Department will need to know the fire will be fought with the employees on duty <br /> and the people coming to call-backs would be to support the next incident that <br /> comes up and will probably not make the scene at all due to the auto aid and mu- <br /> tual aid helping fight the fire. He noted that is similar to sixteen part-time fire <br /> fighters the department has now. He stated one of the things the Fire Department <br /> is looking at is not moving to eight on duty in one year as he does not believe that <br /> is feasible. The Fire Department is looking at a period of time to do that, looking <br /> at the attrition numbers of the part-time staff, and telling themselves that by the <br /> time the Fire Department gets to 2021-2022 timeframe, which is probably the ear- <br /> liest, the Fire Department would be able to achieve the goals talked about and will <br /> be down to a handful or less of part-time staff and with that, staff would not be <br /> able to get a truck out regardless of their proximity to the station. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated Councilmember Etten was talking about the auto <br /> aid from neighboring cities and the backup response, and while the City is having <br /> the conversation about becoming self-reliant on its own, she would ask what as- <br /> surance does the City have that the City's neighbors are having this same conver- <br /> sation and working to become self-reliant as well. She thought maybe the Ram- <br /> sey County League of Local Governments needs to have that conversation be- <br /> cause it is fine if Roseville works to become self-reliant and important to the City <br /> but if the cities surrounding Roseville really see Roseville as their backup so those <br /> cities don't have to become self-reliant, then that put pressure on Roseville. <br />