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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed and thought that when looking at the title, it is race <br /> and equity and a lot of that equity tool frame is looking at how are different peo- <br /> ple impacted that are outside of the majority. He thought the tool kit will get to <br /> those things that might relate to gender, economics, or race. <br /> Councilmember Willmus agreed with much of what his colleagues put forward <br /> and that implementation certainly is long-term. He thought much of what is be- <br /> fore the Council is internal to the organization and those are things that the City <br /> can really get at easier than what he wants to point out, which are contractors or <br /> suppliers. He asked how can those things be measured in terms of costs and tying <br /> that back. That would be an aspect of this that he would be very interested in. <br /> Ms. Olson stated those are conversations the organization has had, and answers <br /> are not known at this point. <br /> Mayor Roe stated just because there is a question about it does not mean it is not <br /> looked at but to keep those items on the list to circle back to when procedures or <br /> processes need to be looked at. He noted policies can be changed, and the City <br /> can circle back to those things. <br /> Mayor Roe did not think the organization was on the wrong track by any stretch <br /> and thought it was probably the threshold, noting the City has crossed that and is <br /> in good shape. He thought the next steps are important as to identifying some of <br /> those more detailed measures and trying to look at timelines to see what could be <br /> done sooner and later. He thought it was great to identify partners and would <br /> identify the St. Paul Area Chamber, which has done a lot of work on equity as <br /> well with the business community. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it would be worth a conversation with the HRIEC to figure <br /> out how that Commission plugs into this because he could see them functioning in <br /> a way almost like the Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission <br /> works related to the Green Step Process. <br /> Councilmember Groff asked how much the HRIEC has been involved with this so <br /> far. <br /> Ms. Olson stated this has been more of an update for the HRIEC and the HRIEC <br /> has not been involved in the internal workings. <br /> d. Discuss 2019-20 Policy Priority Planning Document <br /> City Manager Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA and <br /> related attachments dated March 18, 2019. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated her first impression is that if everything is a pri- <br /> ority then nothing is a priority so going to five categories sort of struck her and <br />